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“Ukraine’s path to join the European Union will be very long because it depends not only on Ukraine” – dr Małgorzata Bonikowska in TVN24 [03.02.2023]

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“Ukraine’s path to join the European Union will be very long because it depends not only on Ukraine” – dr Małgorzata Bonikowska in TVN24 [03.02.2023]

While commenting on the EU-Ukraine summit, which took place on 3.02.2023 in Kyiv, dr Bonikowska drew attention to the complexity of the EU enlargement process. It is already difficult for some institutions to coordinate joint actions of member states, so the potential increase in their number to more than thirty...

3 February 2023

Diplomatic Coffee: Singapore

Centre for International Relations invites you to another conversation in the Coffee with the Ambassador series, organized by the CIR-CSM jointly with the National Geographic Traveler Polska, THINKTANK and Weco-Travel. Once a month, together with invited guests, former ambassadors, we present you a different region of the world. Our next...

17 January 2023
In the media

“Russia aims at making a move to decide the fate of the war in its favor” – Dr. Bonikowska in the “Punkt Widzenia” program on Polsat [03.01.2023]

We are currently seeing massive rocket attacks. At one point, the Russian army was keen to stabilize the front – a strategic pause to prepare the recently mobilized citizens for combat. It seems that Russia is now more determined than at the beginning of the war. Putin is also determined...

3 January 2023
In the media

Ukraine and the recent visit of President Zelensky to Washington also contributed to this, which is perceived by Americans as part of their world. This is an asset that possesses real meaning, said Janusz Reiter, an expert at the CIR, on TVN24 [22.12.2022]

This visit took place at an extremely important, difficult, critical moment, when you can see that Russia is using its double advantage. Numerical superiority – material and human. Ukraine must respond to this. And in order to answer, he needs strong support from the West, especially from America. Ukraine received...

22 December 2022
In the media

“Anti-European, as well as anti-German phobias of the incumbents, are deadly for the interests of our country” – stated Eugeniusz Smolar, an expert at the CIR, in Rzeczpospolita [14.12.2022]

Eugeniusz Smolar writes that the war between Russia and Ukraine ploughed through the awareness of threats. The reorientation of Western politicians and societies is not an easy process, given the persistence of the previous assumptions and economic consequences – the energy crisis, high inflation and recession, which threatens to undermine...

14 December 2022
In the media

“It is vital to convey to the Russian elites that Russia is not the problem, but its imperialism and Putin’s policy” – commented Eugeniusz Smolar, expert at the CIR, in the program “Horyzont” on TVN24 [10.12.2022]

There should be no illusions that Russia has enormous potential to negatively influence European security, which does not mean that Russia should find its place in the new security architecture of Europe, said Eugeniusz Smolar. He pointed out that the refusal to talk is also a form of communication while...

10 December 2022
In the media

“Liberal democracy must have teeth to defend itself against extremists – the German one possesses them” – said Eugeniusz Smolar, expert at the CIR, on Radio TOK FM [09.12.2022]

The whole thing looks indeed theatrical, were it not for the fact that there is a social basis for right-wing radicalism, which in Germany is considered the greatest threat to the stability of democracy – Eugeniusz Smolar, CIR expert, about the detention of people suspected of preparing a coup d’état....

9 December 2022