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The Centre for International Relations Foundation (CIR) was registered in 1996. It is an independent, non-governmental think tank which deals with international policy issues, as well as Polish foreign and European policy.

Main goals:

  • to deepen Polish decision-makers’ knowledge of the EU and the world,
  • to popularise knowledge about Poland among opinion-leading circles abroad,
  • to analyse international situation.

Since 2009, the Centre for International Relations has been ranked among the top think tanks in Central and Eastern Europe in the University of Pennsylvania’s research The Leading Public Policy Research Organizations in the World.

CIR has become an influential forum for foreign policy analysis and debate, involving leading politicians, diplomats, civil servants, local government officials, businessmen, journalists, students and representatives of other NGOs.


The Centre for International Relation carries out research, outreach and educational activities. The Foundation prepares reports and analyses and participates in international projects in cooperation with similar institutions in several countries.

The Centre’s activities to date have emphasized issues relating to NATO and international security, the different aspects of European integration as well as the position of Poland in Europe, transatlantic relations, a broadly defined Eastern policy, migration, climate and energy, as well as the bilateral and multilateral elements of Polish foreign policy.

In undertaking a number of projects, the Centre has cooperated with the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defence, the foreign policy committees of the Sejm and Senat, the Ministry of Economics, as well as the Ministry for the Environment. A number of projects have also been executed with support of NATO, the European Commission, the Ford Foundation, the German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Stefan Batory Foundation, the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland, the Polish-German Cooperation Foundation, The European Climate Foundation, National Endowment for Democracy, the Trust for Civil Society in Central and Eastern Europe and the International Republican Institute from Washington.

Our activities focus on the following pillars:

  • European Programme
  • World Politics
  • Poland’s Foreign Policy
  • Migration