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“What I am most sorry for is that the president ignored the voice of scientists. In this case, 172 scientists from Polish universities, including the Jagiellonian University, with which the president is particularly connected, appealed that the president should not sign this act, as it is contrary to human rights standards and is incorrect in terms of legislative quality” – said Adam Bodnar on TVN24 [08.12.2022]

8 December 2022
In the media

On the occasion of President Andrzej Duda signing the amendment to the Penal Code on Friday, December 2, Adam Bodnar comments that the President had ignored the voices of scientists who have criticized the proposed regulations to be incompatible with human rights standards as well as inadequate in terms of legislative quality.

Furthermore, Bodnar extends that the most significant change has been the introduction of an unconditional life sentence without mechanisms for an early release. According to Bodnar, this collides with the European Convention on Human Rights.

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