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In the media

Ukraine and the recent visit of President Zelensky to Washington also contributed to this, which is perceived by Americans as part of their world. This is an asset that possesses real meaning, said Janusz Reiter, an expert at the CIR, on TVN24 [22.12.2022]

This visit took place at an extremely important, difficult, critical moment, when you can see that Russia is using its double advantage. Numerical superiority – material and human. Ukraine must respond to this. And in order to answer, he needs strong support from the West, especially from America. Ukraine received...

22 December 2022

Polish experiences in shaping participatory budgets – an example for the Western Balkans

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Polish experiences in shaping participatory budgets – an example for the Western Balkans”. The podcast is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by...

18 October 2022

Poland as a leader in shaping the European Union’s Eastern policy: the Eastern Partnership

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Centre for International Relations and Institute of Central Europe invite you to a webinar  “Poland as a leader in shaping the European Union’s Eastern policy: the Eastern Partnership”.  The webinar is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a...

4 September 2022

Poland as a leader in supporting start-ups among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Centre for International Relations and Warsaw School of Economics invite you to a webinar  “Poland as a leader in supporting start-ups among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe”.  The webinar is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”.This is a...

4 September 2022

Poland as a leader in shaping the European Union’s Eastern policy: the Eastern Partnership

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Centre for International Relations and Institute of Central Europe invite you to a webinar  “Poland as a leader in shaping the European Union’s Eastern policy: the Eastern Partnership”.  The webinar is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a...

14 July 2022

CIR became a partner of the project “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”.

Center for Europe University of Warsaw and Faculty of Law University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”- Bitola (North Macedonia) realizes in 2022 a grant entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Public...

28 June 2022

CIR Comment: “Lebanon. The diplomatic crisis in the heart of Middle East”

On October 29th, Saudi Arabia adopted a series of punitive measures against Lebanon. The kingdom was followed by Bahrain, its very close ally, then by Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. There is fear that Lebanon, in the midst of economic collapse, will be transformed into a ground of confrontation...

16 November 2021
We recommend

Startup Ecosystem in Hong Kong: Unlocking the Potentials

The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Berlin (HKETO Berlin) is pleased to invite you to a webinar highlighting the unique business opportunities for German and other European startups in Hong Kong.  We are organising this webinar as a satellite event of the AsiaBerlin Summit 2021. Mr Edward YAU...

21 September 2021

20 years of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Dignity, freedoms, equality, solidarity, citizens’ rights, justice. These are the most important personal rights that belong to everyone in the European Union. They are brought together in one legally binding document: the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. It was declared in 2000 and came into force in December 2009 along...

13 July 2021

India – EU: a partnership
in the shadow of Beijing

On May 8, a virtual summit between the European Union and India took place in Portugal. It brought a long-awaited breakthrough in economic relations: the unfreezing of negotiations on a trade deal and a decision to start talks on an investment treaty. These agreements – if successful – will cover...

20 May 2021
We recommend

Online debate: “20 years of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”

In 2021, #Europe celebrates 20th anniversary of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We recommend a webinar organised by the European Commission Representation in Poland and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights which will focus on the role of the Charter in the EU legal system and for the European...

17 May 2021
We recommend

Online debate: “20 years of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights”

In 2021, #Europe celebrates 20th anniversary of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We recommend a webinar organised by the European Commission Representation in Poland and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights which will focus on the role of the Charter in the EU legal system and for the European...

7 May 2021