1) PolitiFact
Politifact is a website that fact-checks “newsworthy and significant” statements and rates these statements as “True,” “Mostly True,” “Half True,” “Mostly False,” “False,” and “Pants on Fire.” The process involves reviewing other fact-checking sources, Google searches, online database seraches, expert consultation, and other literature reviews.
2) Exif Viewer
Lets you open a JPG image from your computer or from a URL to view its Exif data. There’s lots of interesting information held in image files to explore. Some images have GPS data so we can see exactly where it was taken. Nikon also records the camera’s shutter count in the Exif data.
3) RevEye Reverse Image Search
This extension allows to perform an inverse image search by right-clicking onto any image in a web site. We can choose between the image search engines Google, Bing, Yandex, TinEye and Baidu.
4) Exif youtube
Amnesty International Youtube DataViewer, enabling to check the exact date and hour of posting of a video clip.
5) DNS history
Largest DNS record history database, with more than 2.2 billion nameserver changes detected, daily updated. Helps to check since when a domain has been registered and with which hosting provider.
6) Emergent
A real-time rumor tracker. It aims to develop best practices for debunking misinformation. It’s part of a research project with the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University that focuses on how unverified information and rumor are reported in the media.
7) Interland
The Google Interland (Be Internet Awesome game) is a web-based game focused on teaching students how to identify false and misleading information.
8) Google Fact Check Explorer
This tool allows you to easily browse and search for fact checks. For example, you can search for a politician’s statement, or for a topic. You can also restrict results to a specific publisher.
9) Botsentinel
Botsentinel is a free platform developed to detect and track trollbots and untrustworthy Twitter accounts. Bot Sentinel uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to study Twitter accounts, to classify them as trustworthy or untrustworthy, and to identify bots. It then stores those accounts in a database to track each account daily.
10) Captain Fact
CaptainFact is a web-based collection of tools designed for collaborative verification of internet content. It includes a browser extension that provides a video overlay to internet videos with sources and contextual information, as well as icons showing the credibility based on user votes. It also has a “debate platform” that allows for discussions of specific points. While currently focused on video, they are developing a tool to provide a similar overlay to articles.
11) Metadata Viewer
Metadata Viewer is a web-based tool that provides users with metadata about photos, videos, and texts, including the location, time, date it was modified, format, file size, etc.