Centre for International Relations and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Polen invite you to CSM LIVE TALKS – WORLD AFTER THE PANDEMIC, a live conversation with exceptional guests on our Facebook profile
?Every week on the Facebook profile of the Center for International Relations we talk LIVE with experts, diplomats, entrepreneurs and opinion leaders.
? We talk with our guests about:
- how long would Poland be able to defend itself taking into account our own strength?
- whether the current expenses are sufficient for the development of Poland’s military potential?
- whether Poland’s strength matters militarily in Europe and in the world?
?Our guests were:
– Col. Piotr Gąstał – former commander of the GROM Military Unit. During his service he participated in many exercises, trainings and tactical workshops with partners from the special forces of the USA, Europe and Africa. Expert of the Stratpoints Foundation.
– General Jarosław Stróżyk – Brigadier General of the Army Reserve. During many years of service in the Polish Army, he held a number of official positions related to the analysis of international security and the promotion of national assessments on the forum of international organizations, including NATO and the EU. Vice-president of Stratpoints.
The interview was conducted by Witold Jurasz, president of the Strategic Analysis Center, Onet columnist.
? TUESDAY June 23rd