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Brexit: co z granicą w Irlandii? 03.2018

Nasze publikacje

Brexit: co z granicą w Irlandii? 03.2018

Wyspa Irlandia jest dziś podzielona na Republikę Irlandii oraz Irlandię Północną, która jest częścią Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii (UK). Choć większość mieszkańców tej prowincji (55,8%) głosowała w referendum w czerwcu 2016 r. za pozostaniem UK w Unii Europejskiej, opuszczą ją w 29 marca 2019 r. wraz z całym krajem. Tym...

31 marca 2018

Conference: “A new plan for Europe – what will bring the 2018?” with the participation of the CIR

Dismissal of the UE constitution in referendums in France and in the Netherlands, following the crisis in Eurozone and migration wave: these are three main factors which have deepened Europeans’ distance to the European Union. So we cannot go back to the rhetoric from the beginning of the century and...

23 stycznia 2018
Nasze publikacje

Rosja: hybrydowa gra o wpływy w państwach byłego ZSRR

Władimir Putin właśnie wygrał kolejne wybory. Rządzi Rosją od roku 2000 i nie widać nikogo, kto mógłby go w tym zastąpić. Putin od początku stawiał sobie za cel przywrócenie prestiżu centralnej władzy i „odbicie” utraconych po rozpadzie Związku Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich terytoriów. Atak cybernetyczny na Estonię, wojna rosyjsko-gruzińska, czy konflikt...

22 marca 2018

Briefing: “The market of private dormitories in Poland and in the world” with the participation of the CIR

The data indicate the number of foreign students in Poland will grow, which means the increase in demand for the place in dormitories. Today we have only 30 dormitories in Poland, while there are 400 universities. “Students housing” is a niche market in our country: both for developers and investors....

25 stycznia 2018


Wybory w 2017 roku jasno pokazały, że krajobraz polityczny Niemiec jest coraz bardziej skomplikowany. Dopiero teraz, po 161 dniach i narastającym strachu o wynik referendum wśród członków SPD, będzie wreszcie można sformować rząd. Po tym jak dwie trzecie głosujących opowiedziało się za udziałem swojej partii w „wielkiej koalicji” z CDU/CSU,...

5 marca 2018

Briefing: “Warsaw-Davos 2018. How can we cement the broken world?”

At the time of today’s crisis, which affects us both internally and externally, it is worth looking at the world from a wider perspective – said Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, adviser to companies and financial institutions and former Prime Minister during the briefing Warsaw-Davos, which was organized by the Centre for International Relations...

26 stycznia 2018

Meeting of EFNI 2018 Program Council with the participation of the CIR

Program Council of European Forum for New Ideas met on 29th January to discuss next meeting in Sopot which will take place on 26-29 September. Center for International Relations will be once again partner of this event. The European Forum for New Ideas is international discussion meeting of business circles...

29 stycznia 2018

Conference: “Split for a two-speed Europe. The role of think-tanks” with the participation of the CIR

CASE (Center for Social and Economic Research) organized conference: “Split for a two-speed Europe. The role of think-tanks” on the occasion of “Day of think-tanks” on 30th January. Panelists on this conference were: Dr. Izabela Styczyńska (vice-president of the CASE), Michał Baranowski (director of the German Marshall Fund), Dr. Małgorzata...

30 stycznia 2018
Nasze publikacje

„Comparing the Czech-Polish approach to China: Assessing both Challenges and Opportunities from a security-minded perspective” – raport Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) oraz CSM

Podczas China Investment Forum w Pradze w 2015, były premier Czech,  Bohuslav Sobotka, zauważył, że relacje na linii Pekin-Praga są aktualnie najlepsze w historii obu krajów. Do podobnych wniosków doszedł w 2016 prezydent Polski, Andrzej Duda, co podkreślił podczas wizyty prezydenta Chin, Xi Jinpinga, w Polsce – piszą eksperci CSM i...

8 stycznia 2018

Debate organized by the CIR: “The United States and Europe under the presidency of Donald Trump”

The Center for International Relations (CIR) together with THINKTANK and Business Link Poland organized the next meeting from the cycle: “Globalization”. This debate was held under the patronage of “Citi Handlowy” bank as part of the project: “AIP Business Startup”. Special guest of this event was: Dr. Daniel S. Hamilton, executive...

14 lutego 2018


20 grudnia 2017 Komisja Europejska postanowiła uruchomić wobec Polski artykuł 7 traktatu o Unii Europejskiej, co może potencjalnie skończyć się dla tego kraju zakazem decydowania o kwestiach dotyczących UE. Uruchomienie artykułu 7 to nie tylko cios dla Polski, ale i wewnętrzny kryzys instytucjonalny całej Wspólnoty, który może spotkać się ze...

15 stycznia 2018

Munich Security Conference 2018 with the participation of the CIR

The 54th Security Conference in Munich took place on 16-18 February. It gathered political leaders and experts from around the world. Poland was represented by its Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki. They were talking on the meeting inter alia about the role of European Union in the world and its relations...

16 lutego 2018

Celebration of Chinese New Year with the participation of the CIR

The Embassy of Chinese People’s Republic to Warsaw on 22th February organized the official ceremony on Celebration of Chinese New Year. Małgorzata Bonikowska Ph. D., director of the CIR participated in this event. This year’s celebration of Chinese New Year began on 15th February and lasted seven days. That is...

22 lutego 2018

Seminar and official presentation of report: “India in the reform process: opportunities for Poland” with the participation of the CIR

Nowadays, India is today one of the emerging powers that will exert growing influence on global economy and policy – said experts during the seminar organized by Polish Institute of International Relations combined with the presentation of the report: “India in the reform process: opportunities for Poland”. Prof. Piotr Kłodkowski (Jagiellonian University, former Polish Ambassador...

22 lutego 2018

Conference “The New Silk Road connects Hong Kong and Poland” with the participation of the CIR

Hong Kong offers Polish companies privileged access to continental China – said Betty Ho, the director of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Berlin during “The New Silk Road connects Hong Kong and Poland” conference, which was held today in the headquarters of the Polish Chamber of Commerce with participation...

22 lutego 2018

Cycle of meetings with Marek Belka co-organized by the CIR

The economic situation in Poland and Europe is very good, but we cannot sleep well. Polish entrepreneurs should be concerned about the government’s social expenses, differences in Euro vs. Dollar exchange rate, and tensions on the EU-US line. People reluctantly invest their money in such times, without investments there won’t be...

27 lutego 2018

Academic Seminar “Hong Kong is gate to China” with the participation of the CIR

Nowadays, Hong Kong is one of the main “business hub” of Asia which can be also used by Polish companies – experts said during “Hong Kong is gate to China” seminar organized by Polish Trade and Investment Agency and Hong Kong Trade and Development Council. This seminar was destined for people,...

15 marca 2018

Conference “Africa and South-South Cooperation” organized by Crans Montana Forum with the participation of the CIR

Conference “Africa and South-South Cooperation” organized by Crans Montana Forum took place on 15-19 March 2018 in Dahla (Western Sahara), the only place in the whole world, which is defined by international law as “unregulated territory”. This event, which was held under the patronage of Mohammed VI – the king...

15 marca 2018

„The entrepreneur in the changing world”- cycle of meetings co-organized by the CIR

BGŻ BNP Paribas Bank, within SME Business Academy, organized cycle of expert business meetings directed to entrepreneurs. During this year’s conferences, we have discussed topics connected with macroeconomics trends and challenges which await for entrepreneurs in 2018. Prof. Marek Belka was the special guest of all six meetings. The leitmotif of...

23 marca 2018

Analiza CSM: „Zatoka Perska. Katar kontra reszta”

Świat przystanął ze zdziwienia, kiedy w czerwcu 2017 r. Arabia Saudyjska wraz ze Zjednoczonymi Emiratami Arabskimi, Bahrajnem i Egiptem (tzw. „kwartet”) zdecydowały się nałożyć sankcje polityczne i ekonomiczne na sąsiada – maleńki Katar. Wybrany moment, użyte argumenty i kierunki blokady miały doprowadzić do jak największych strat gospodarczych i wizerunkowych tego...

7 sierpnia 2018