It was a very intensive year, a perfect opportunity to remember numerous glorious years of our common history – stated Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Polish deputy minister for foreign affairs, summarising the celebrations that took place on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Polish-Indian relations in 2014. Representatives of institutions acting in the field of Polish-Indian relations participated in the event, including dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR president, EU expert in foreign policy towards Southern Asia.
Ajay Bisaria, Indian ambassador to Poland, emphasised that direct contacts play a very important role in these relations. Indian prime minister Narendra Modi and Polish deputy minister Janusz Piechociński met in January in Gandhinagar during a summit „Vibrant Gujarat”. I had the pleasure to talk to both of them, and they spoke highly of each other.
The summary of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of bilateral relations served as an occasion to honour six Poles with „Bene Merito” distinction for particular merits for the Polish-Indian relations.
More about bilateral relations can be found in special CIR and THINKTANK’s publication:
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