The Transatlantic Post-Doc Fellowship for International Relations and Security (TAPIR) is open to candidates who have recently received their doctorate in social and political sciences or economics and whose research focuses on topics of international relations and security.
Fellowships are granted for a duration of 24 months to prepare Fellows for a career in policy-oriented and international research at renowned think tanks and political consulting research institutes. Fellows spend three eight-month stays at research institutions or think tanks participating in the program – at least one on the Eastern, and one on the Western side of the Atlantic.
Participating institutes include: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI), European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), RAND Corporation, Chatham House, SAIS Center for Transatlanic Relations, the Institute for Strategic and International Studies (IEEI), the Center for International Relations (CIR), the Center for Security Studies (CSS) and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs/Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP).
Fellows will be supervised by a researcher at each host institute, while being integrated into the relevant research units or projects. Fellows will have the opportunity to work on issues of major and immediate political significance, and to publish their work in journals or paper series that will be read by decision-makers at national and international levels. The Fellowship aims to involve participants actively in the work and research of leading international think tanks, and as such is not intended to fund the completion of major individual publications or of academic peer-reviewed journal articles.
The fellowship consists of a monthly stipend of Euro 2,000 and a one-time travel allowance of Euro 3,500 for travel to and from the host institutions. Health insurance is not included.
To be eligible for the Transatlantic Post-Doc Fellowship, candidates must have successfully defended their Ph.D. by the start of the program (October 1st, 2008). An exception can be made for candidates who can prove that their thesis has been accepted by the jury and requires no further work. Candidates must have a strong interest in working in a policy-oriented international environment and must demonstrate their ability to do so by previous international academic experience. U.S., Canadian and European nationals can apply to the program.
Application procedure
Applications should contain
- A five-page research statement outlining the candidate’s current as well as longer-term academic interests. This does not have to be limited to trans-atlantic issues.
- A Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications
- Two letters of recommendation
All files, including letters of recommendation, should be sent in Pdf format to transatlanticfellowship@swp-berlin.org by February 15, 2008. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Successful candidates will be informed by May 2008.
Up to six Fellowships will be awarded in 2008. Fellows will be selected by a jury composed of members of the participating institutes. Selection criteria are the academic excellence of the candidate and the quality of the research statement.
The decision of the jury is final and no appeal is possible. All candidates are informed of the outcome of their applications by e-mail.
For further queries, please consult the program website at www.swp-berlin.org/de/projekte/projekt.php or contact:
Eva Dingel
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
TAPIR Program
Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4
10719 Berlin
phone: +49 (0)30 88007-321
fax: +49 (0)30 88007-5321 / -100
e-mail: eva.dingel@swp-berlin.org