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Portugal’s leadership in the EU

11 lutego 2021
Portugal’s leadership in the EU. What does the Presidency mean?

Centre for International Relations and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Polen the next meeting of our series – ZOOM THE WORLD, a live conversation with exceptional guests on our Facebook profile: Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych.
Don’t miss our next discussion -> 16th of February at 5pm CET
Our guests will be:
– Paulo Casaca, founder of ARCHumankind,, former MEP Portugal
– Dr. Jarosław Pietras, College of Europe, until 2020 Director General, EU Council Gen. Secretariat
We will discuss:
– what are the priorities of the Portuguese Presidency to the EU Council?
– how does Portugal see the future of Europe?
– how much the Presidency matter?
? The conversation will be held in English.
? LIVE TRANSMISSION ? – February 16, 2021 at 5pm CET on our Facebook profile: Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych