Trade turnover between Poland and Oman amounts to 80 mln USD only; it’s much too little given the potential of both countries – said Katarzyna Kacperczyk, deputy minister of foreign affairs while opening Polish-Omani Business Forum in the capital city of Oman, Muscat. Around 30 Polish companies and institutions, including Centre for International Relations and THINKTANK, took part in a mission organised by MFA. The event was another initiative dedicated to the strengthening of bilateral economic cooperation. Earlier this year, in March, Polish-Omani Economic Forum was organised in Warsaw.
Inhabited by as little as 3 million people, Oman is one of the most politically and economically stabile countries in the Middle East. In 2014 Polish-Omani trade turnover was dominated by export from Poland (worth 65 million USD). The most prospective fields of economic cooperation: food processing, shipbuilding industry, IT, construction, medicine, green and innovative technologies and energy production. Polish companies are also interested to invest in SEZAD – the biggest special economic zone in the Arabian Peninsula situated in Omani Duqm.