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We recommend

20 years of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

In 2021, Europe celebrates 20th anniversary of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We recommend a webinar organised by the European Commission Representation in Poland and the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights which will focus on the role of the Charter in the EU legal system and for the European...

30 April 2021
We recommend

StartmeupHK Festival 2021

This year’s StartmeupHK Festival will feature 14 main events over the course of 5 days, including keynotes from world-renowned speakers, discussions around hot topics such as AI, fintech, ESG, smart cities, healthcare, proptech, and of course an introduction to the latest collaborations in the Greater Bay Area❗ Stay connected, exchange...

22 April 2021

Debate and premiere of the report “Artificial intelligence in the public and private sectors in Poland and Czech Republic”

The purpose of the project is to compare Poland and the Czech Republic in terms of the usage and introduction of solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) in the private and public sectors, as well as to popularise good practices, with a special focus on solutions that serve the fight...

20 February 2021

Artificial intelligence in the public and private sectors in Poland and Czech Republic

The report was prepared within the framework of the public task “Polish-Czech Forum for the rapprochement of societies, deeper cooperation and good neighbourhood 2020”, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland. The analysis of the use of artificial intelligence in the public and private sectors...

20 February 2021

THINKBOOK 2020: How artificial intelligence will change our lives in 5 years

The spread of artificial intelligence will be a leap so great that we will quickly forget what it was like before, predicts futurologist Kevin Kelly, founder of US magazine “Wired”. I have no doubt that all the scenarios described here will happen. Why? Because the underlying technologies already exist. Some...

20 February 2021
Completed projects

CSM’s new project “Start2Think”

The Center for International Relations has won a European Commission grant in the “Media Literacy for All” competition to implement the project “Start2Think”, which aims to promote critical thinking skills, increase internet users’ awareness of contemporary narratives and disinformation techniques, and raise awareness of the most common manipulative narratives.

20 February 2021
Completed projects

Artificial intelligence in the public and private sectors na Poland and Czech Republic

The purpose of the project is to compare Poland and the Czech Republic in terms of the usage and introduction of solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) in the private and public sectors, as well as to popularise good practices, with a special focus on solutions that serve the fight...

20 February 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in private and public sectors. Comparative analysis: Poland and the Czech Republic

The potential of artificial intelligence is growing every day. At the beginning of this decade, the technological world had 25 times more data at its disposal than at the beginning of the previous one. This, along with the acceleration in the development of neural networks over the course of about...

9 December 2020

CIR Comment: “Pandemia. How did it start?”

Corona Virus is not a brand new virus. But COVID-19 is. Nobody heard about this until it created mayhem in the Chinese City of Wuhan. While global sympathy was there for the Chinese citizens who mercilessly suffered from this virus or died of this viral attack, the sympathy turned into...

29 April 2020

Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/ on line 28

Warning: Attempt to read property "cat_name" on null in /home/ on line 28


INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS Access Industries Ambasada USA Ambasada Wielkiej Brytanii Bank Przemysłowo-Handlowy PBK S.A. Boeing International Corporation SA DaimlerChrysler Automotive Polska Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Europejskie Forum Nowych Idei Fundacja Alfred Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Fundacja Dräger Fundacja Forda Fundacja im. Friedricha Eberta Fundacja Konrada Adenauera w Polsce...

30 January 2020

Analyses CSM: “MIKTA: an innovative partnership”

MIKTA is a cooperation platform that consists of five countries: Mexico, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Turkey and Australia. This informal group was formed on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, which was held in New York in 2013. From the very beginning, the MIKTA platform was promoted as...

17 May 2018
Completed projects

Muhammad Yunus Social Entrepreneurship Department in Warsaw

The department was created in 2013 as a part of the Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw and is carried out by the University, together with the Centre for International Relations, THINKTANK and UN Global Compact. The department was inaugurated by prof. Yunus during his visit in Poland. It aims...

28 April 2018
Completed projects

CIR project as part of the Polish-Czech Forum

Once again, the Center for International Relations, together with the renowned Aspen Institute Prague analytical center, implemented the project as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs competition – The Polish-Czech Forum – for bringing societies closer, deeper cooperation and good neighborliness. 2017 Forum was dedicated to the development opportunities...

4 June 2017

Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR’s President for TVP World: “The visit of Antony Blinken to Poland underscores that Poland is truly one of the key countries in the new security architecture of Europe”.

Dr Bonikowska added: “Nothing of significance happens in this domain without Polish involvement. It’s also a positive indication that the partners are strictly coordinating all decisions, particularly between the Americans and the British, while jointly engaging with the Ukrainians in this critical phase of the war. I believe this sends...

19 September 2024

Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR’s President at Globsec Forum 2024. Panel: “Beyond the ballot. Defining a New Era of Central European Leadership”. Prague, Sept. 1, 2024.

GLOBSEC Forum 2024 Panel: Beyond the ballot: Defining a new era of Central European Leadership Prague, Sept. 1, 2024 With nearly half of the world set to vote by the end of the year, 2024 presents itself as a critical inflection point for the transatlantic community. As the United States...

12 September 2024

Ambassador Krzysztof Płomiński for Polish public Radio “3”: “Hopes for a ceasefire in Gaza are practically non-existent”.

Mr. Krzysztof Płomiński – Former Polish Ambassador to Iraq and Saudi Arabia and CIR’s expert in an interview for Polish public Radio “3” stated: “Hopes for a ceasefire in Gaza are practically non-existent, because on one hand, there are extremely radical expectations from both Hamas and Israel. On the other...

4 September 2024