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Completed projects

Muhammad Yunus Social Entrepreneurship Department in Warsaw

The department was created in 2013 as a part of the Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw and is carried out by the University, together with the Centre for International Relations, THINKTANK and UN Global Compact. The department was inaugurated by prof. Yunus during his visit in Poland. It aims...

28 April 2018
Completed projects

EU-Russia Civil Society Forum

The EU-Russia Civil Society Forum is a permanent common platform for cooperation and coordination of civil society organisations from Russia and the European Union, aiming at strengthening links between societies in the field of rule of law, human rights and democracy building. Centre for International Relations is a member of...

28 April 2018
Completed projects

Polish-German Energy Forum

The Polish-German Energy Forum was initiated by the Centre for International Relations and is executed in cooperation with the German partner Pflüger Internationale Beratung GmbH. Professor Friedbert Pflüger, former Secretary of State in the first government of Chancellor Angela Merkel, Member of the Bundestag 1990-2006 and lecturer at King’s College...

28 April 2018
Current projects

India EU Council

This project is implemented as a continuation of India EU Council Association’s activities, which was merged with Centre for International Relations at the end of 2013. The aim of the project is to improve the awareness about Indian subcontinent in Poland and other Middle and Eastern European countries. The project...

28 April 2018
Completed projects

World: Inspirations

This project is co-executed with THINKTANK – Centre for Dialogue and Analysis. Its aim is to improve Polish executives’ knowledge about foreign markets, with special consideration for Africa, Asia and South America. Within this project, THINKTANK and CSM’s experts participate in economic missions, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,...

28 April 2018
Completed projects


The TRANSFAM project, funded by Norway Grants, is focused on studying transnational migrations and “creating families” by Poles in Norway. CIR and its partners from the Polish-Norwegian consortium (Jagiellonian University, Agder Research, Nova) have started the project in July 2013 and it will last till June 2016. CIR has a...

28 April 2018
Completed projects

Assessment of Kremlin’s Soft Power Tools in Central Europe

Together with partners from the Czech Republic: Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), Hungary: Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID), and Slovakia: Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) we are conducting an in-depth country monitoring and examining the variety of influence measures being leveraged by Russia, focusing on three areas: economic...

28 April 2018
Completed projects

European Remembrance 1917-2017

Centre for International relations, together with partners from six countries from the European Union and Western Balkans – Centre for Democratic Transition from Montenegro (project’s leader), Central European Heritage from Hungary, European Projects Association from Belgium, FALIŠ from Croatia, HMM…from Serbia and Opera Nomadi from Italy – initiated a public...

27 November 2017
Completed projects

Foreign influences in Central Europe – a joint project of think tanks from the Visegrad Group

Together with our partners from the Czech Republic: Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), Hungary: Center for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) and Slovakia: Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), we have implemented a project devoted to monitoring of pro-Kremlin activities in the economic sphere, cultural and informational in our region. The...

4 September 2017
Completed projects

Information war on the Internet – a new CIR project

Together with think tanks from the Czech Republic, Moldova, Slovakia, Ukraine and Hungary, we have implemented a project dedicated to counteracting online disinformation in Central and Eastern Europe. We monitored internet media, trying to identify common mechanisms and key subjects subject to manipulation. We tried to capture similarities and differences...

4 June 2017
Completed projects

CIR project as part of the Polish-Czech Forum

Once again, the Center for International Relations, together with the renowned Aspen Institute Prague analytical center, implemented the project as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs competition – The Polish-Czech Forum – for bringing societies closer, deeper cooperation and good neighborliness. 2017 Forum was dedicated to the development opportunities...

4 June 2017
Completed projects

TRANSFAM international research project

The TRANSFAM project, financed from the so-called Norwegian funds, focused on the issue of transnational migration and settlement of Polish families in Norway. It was implemented by CIR as part of the Polish-Norwegian consortium (CIR, Jagiellonian University, Agder Research, Nova) and lasted from July 1, 2013 till June 30, 2016....

30 June 2016
Completed projects

Polish and Czech security policy: (de) cohesion

The project was implemented by the CIR in cooperation with the Institute of International Relations in Prague (a renowned independent analytical center) as part of the competition organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland “Czech-Polish Forum for the rapprochement of societies, deepened cooperation and good...

26 October 2015
Completed projects

“Poland – Europe 2050: Social Fiction Exercises” Debates

The Center for International Relations is the architect of the initiative, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Yunus Social Business Chair at Korczak University in Warsaw. The debates “Poland – Europe: social fiction exercises” (“Poland – Europe – World” – June 9, 2015 and “Future of Europe”...

12 July 2015
Completed projects

Debate “The future of Europe: (de)cohesion protocol” during EFNI

The Center for International Relations have been awarded a grand from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for developing a publication and organizing the debate “The future of Europe: (de)cohesion protocol”, which took place on October 2nd 2014, during the European Forum for New Ideas in Sopot. The aim of the...

14 October 2014
Completed projects

“NATO Dialogue – Asia / Pacific” Conference

In this year’s expert meeting, with specialists from over 20 countries around the world, participants discussed, the impact of Russian annexation of Crimea on the international security, NATO conclusions from intervention in Afghanistan, and cyber security challenges. The “NATO – Asia / Pacific Dialogue” project provides a unique opportunity to...

24 July 2014
Completed projects

Polish-German Energy Forum

The Polish-German Energy Forum was initiated by the CIR, and implemented in cooperation with the German partner – Pflüger Internationale Beratung GmbH. Professor Friedbert Pflüger, former Secretary of State in the first government of Chancellor Merkel, Member of the Bundestag 1990-2006 and lecturer at King’s College in London is a ...

17 January 2014
Completed projects


On December 2, 2013, the CIR in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Alumni Association and the THINKTANK analytical center, organized a debate devoted to importance of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations for the US-EU relations. The aim of the conference was to outline the most important challenges for...

13 December 2013
Completed projects

“Europe-Asia Dialogue” Project

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation has implemented a project, which aimed at conducting a regular dialogue between Europe and Asia (especially Eastern Asia) and at improving cooperation between the continents. For the last fifteen years, representatives of international think tanks and research institutes have met alternately in one of the European...

28 October 2013
Completed projects


In 2007, CIR started participation in the project financed by the European Commission under the 6th edition of the CLANDESTINO Framework Programme – “Irregular Migration: Counting the uncountable Data and Trends Across Europe”. The project has a comparative and interdisciplinary character, and provided a critical analysis of the undocumented migration...

11 December 2008