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13 December 2013
Completed projects

On December 2, 2013, the CIR in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Alumni Association and the THINKTANK analytical center, organized a debate devoted to importance of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations for the US-EU relations. The aim of the conference was to outline the most important challenges for Europe and the USA in the TTIP context and the Polish position in the negotiations.

The conference participants- representatives of business, academic and analytical circles-agreed on the global and multidimensional importance of the agreement. At the same time, they pointed out that Poland had problems defining its interests clearly and developing a negotiating position. Moreover, given the low awareness of the possible effects of the agreement on the Polish economy, the current support for negotiations may break down as discussions progress. Further THINKTANK activities will be focused on establishing new communication channels with entrepreneurs, while providing them with current knowledge about the possible impact of TTIP on their activities.