“Polish-Russian relations are hardly to be understood without considering two other countries: Germany and Ukraine. Both have, each in a different way, shaped the relationship between Poland and its eastern neighbor Russia” – writes Janusz Reiter, expert at the CIR, in a policy paper for Zentrum Liberale Moderne [25.10.2022]
In the policy paper “Poland’s Triagnular Russia Policy”, published at the Zentrum Liberale Moderne, Janusz Reiter writes that in the latest Polish politics one can observe a tendency to present the triangle of the three states Germany-Poland-Russia as a current geopolitical format. Furthermore, Reiter adds on Poland’s place in the...
“A positive aspect of the war in Ukraine is that it brought our region, but especially Ukraine, into the spotlight all over the world” – commented Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, president of the CIR, at the 45th Fulbright Association Conference on International Exchange in an Age of Pandemic and War [08.10.2022]
Now, Ukraine, as well as the whole region of Central Europe with the Baltic Region, have their momentum, which can foster a better understanding of and a higher interest in this region. Generally speaking, I think there is not enough knowledge of our region in the Western world per se....
“It is not about nationalists being in power” – said Eugeniusz Smolar, CIR’s senior fellow, during a debate “The integration and disintegration tendencies in the EU in the context of the war in Ukraine” [13.07.2022]
Of course we should fear them, and the EU was all about taming them. But what we have been facing now it is not just that objectives are wrong, but the mechanism has not been fully implemented in the manner that would involve not just the national elites of all...
“The presidency country is responsible to bring the Union together, also meaning the responsibility to announce objectives and see if these objectives were fulfilled” – said Małgorzata Bonikowska from the Centre of International Relations for TVPWorld [03.07.2022]
The Czech Republic will continue all the efforts which started under the previous presidency – France and will want to leave at the end of the year with some results. That’s the role of the presidency – to push further, which is difficult, but to push further the things which...
“Franco-German efforts to seek a ceasefire in Ukraine have obscured an emerging consensus among NATO’s frontline states — there can be no deal with the Russian aggressor” – writes Prof. Dalia Bankauskaite, CSM expert in Europe’s Edge CEPA’s online journal covering critical topics on the foreign policy docket [08.06.2022]
Unseen and largely unremarked, work is already underway on a new forward-defense bulwark, NATO’s reimagined Eastern Flank extending from new alliance candidates Sweden and Finland in the Arctic to partner nations on the Black Sea, together with insulating the West from Russian expansionism. Discussions on this new geopolitical reality, created...
“NATO will open up to Finland and Sweden. It is ready to defend Europe against threats from Russia” – said Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, president of CSM, commenting on current events related to the war in Ukraine on the Arab TV Asharq News الشرق للأخبار [16/05/2022]
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“France will try to use the support of Europeans for the idea of common defense in order to remilitarize the EU and strengthen the EU-NATO cooperation so that it can also act without the active role of the USA in the future” – said Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, president of the CSM [14.05.2022]
“At the same time, however, the war in Ukraine showed that Europe only works effectively if one country exercises clear leadership. Currently, this role is played by the United States, but Macron believes that France could do it”, points out Dr. Bonikowska. Read more: Emmanuel Macron: a European leader for...
“Gas is for Moscow a weapon that it uses to intimidate other countries” – said Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the Centre for International Relations, on the Arab TV Asharq News الشرق للأخبار commenting cutting off flows of gas from Russia to Poland and Bulgaria [27.04.2022]
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“Putin will lose power and Russia will fall into a diplomatic isolation”- this was a political prediction of late Madeleine Albright – writes Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the Centre for International Relations, in Forbes business magazine. [14.04.2022]
When Russia invaded Ukraine, Albright published an essay in the New York Times where she shared her impressions of the talks with Putin. In her opinion, the president of Russia has previously done a lot to strengthen his country, weaken and divide the West and spread many lies around the...
“We, as a society, need to consider what we are able to give up for the greater good, which is stopping Russia. This is now crucial” – said Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the Centre for International Relations, in an interview with BiznesAlert.pl. [11.04.2022]
Currently, the main goal of the West in imposing restrictions on Russia is to cut it off from budget revenues so that it cannot wage war. Russia is making huge profits from the sale of hydrocarbons, and as long as these profits continue to flow, the Kremlin will have the...
President of Ukraine, Zelenskyy wants a decent peace, meaning – to finish the war but not on the Russian conditions – said Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska – President of the Centre for International Relations during a debate with Anwar Goswami on Republic TV – India [07.04.2022]
It should be on the conditions taking into account that Ukraine is able to fight Russia, able to stop Russia to take Kiev, and in the same way Ukraine is able to keep the integrity of its territory – which is the major rule of the international law – said...
“European Union counts on India’s wisdom” – says Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska during The Debate With Arnab Goswami [31.03.2022]
The real point is how to solve this particular war and what to do in a larger sense to be able to survive on this planet – this question Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska asked during The Debate With Arnab Goswami “World Rushes To India To Find Way Out Of Russia-Ukraine War”...
All the EU and also NATO member states condemned Russian invasion on Ukraine as an attack, there are, however, differences. Within the Three Sea initiative Poland, Romania, Baltic states and on the other hand Hungary look at the war in Ukraine with different eyes – said Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the Centre for International Relations on the World News – TVP World [31.03.2022]
The Three Sea Initiative is a huge conglomerate of countries. It is not a coherent region – it has 100 million people and economic, political situation of these countries is different. So those countries may look at the war in Ukraine with slightly different eyes. Poland and Romania are key...
“For Poland, the future of Ukraine was and is of paramount importance. For the United States and Western European countries, it is decidedly secondary” – said Eugeniusz Smolar, Senior Fellow and Member of the Board at the Centre For International Relations [24.03.2022]
The American and Western European elites have ignored Putin’s warnings since 2007, reassuring themselves that they were acting for domestic political purposes and that Putin should not be annoyed or provoked. And they ignored the warnings of Poland and other Central European countries. Even after Russia’s annexation of Crimea and...
“Donald Trump was at loggerheads with Germany and with all of the EU. That’s one of the reasons why he gave Poland some attention”- said Janusz Reiter, Founder of the Centre of International Relations on the Deutsche Welle [25.03.2022]
Warsaw was overjoyed, which was understandable in a way. But it was also a bit deceptive or even dangerous because Trump’s benevolence was a rather unreliable thing, simply because it was just benevolence, as opposed to a strategy. Biden, on the other hand, has a strategy. Many Germans found Poland’s...
The prime ministers’ visit from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia to Kiev was significant when it comes to showing European support for Ukraine and the debate on the future of Ukraine – stated Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, president of Centre for International Relations on Asharq News الشرق للأخبار Saudi Arabia [17.03.2022]
Program available HERE
“Russia cannot afford to lose control” – said Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska in the World News (TVP World) analyzing the developments in Kazakhstan and Russia’s involvement there [10.01]
Russia tries to keep its influence in Central Asia, and Kazakhstan is the most important country in the region with many natural resources. So Russia cannot afford to lose control and it is acting now as a leading power in the Collective Security Treaty Organisation and provides help to the...
“The South China See situation just shows that that’s not to have it [fleet], but also to use it” – dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR’s president, commented on investitions in Chinese army for PolandIn [28.10.2021]
Dr. Bonikowska confirmed that US feels concerned about growing Chinese military potential, also in view of the tense situation surrounding Taiwan. US creates new alliances to fight with threats posed by China – such AUKUS between US, UK and Australia. Dr. Bonikowska also said that ASEAN member states have strategic...
“The South China See situation just shows that that’s not to have it [fleet], but also to use it” – dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR’s president, commented on investitions in Chinese army for PolandIn [28.10.2021]
Dr. Bonikowska confirmed that US feels concerned about growing Chinese military potential, also in view of the tense situation surrounding Taiwan. US creates new alliances to fight with threats posed by China – such AUKUS between US, UK and Australia. Dr. Bonikowska also said that ASEAN member states have strategic...