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Eugeniusz Smolar for “Visegrad Insight”: ‘Improving Poland’s Relations With Germany Will Be Easy, Except…” “Meaningful dialogue between Warsaw and Berlin must resume for the sake of Europe”


Eugeniusz Smolar for “Visegrad Insight”: ‘Improving Poland’s Relations With Germany Will Be Easy, Except…” “Meaningful dialogue between Warsaw and Berlin must resume for the sake of Europe”

“Poland’s new incoming government will seek to mend fences with Germany, but despite Berlin’s turn away from the flawed Russia policy, both countries will need to bridge several fundamental differences over security and the future of Europe.” – writes  for “Visegrad Insight ” Eugeniusz Smolar – expert and member of...

21 November 2023
In the media

Discussion about changes to EU treaties. “On their own, no country counts”. – stated Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the Centre for International Relations, on Polish Radio 24 [29/10/2023].

  “The question that needs to be asked today is how to act quickly and efficiently in the situation of challenges posed by countries such as Russia, China and the US. When there are 27 countries in the EU, it is very difficult to decide something unanimously, ” – Dr....

29 October 2023

Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CIR-CSM, on English-language TVP World about Russia’s President Putin’s visit to China [18/10/23]

Dr. Malgorzata Bonikowska, President of CSM, on English-language TVP World about Russia’s President Putin’s visit to China, where he takes part in the Belt and Road Forum and meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping. This is Putin’s first visit to the country after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

18 October 2023

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw (Centrum Europejskie UW) and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar: “Polish (and Balkan) ways to fight propaganda and disinformation: best practices”.

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw (Centrum Europejskie UW) and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar “Polish (and Balkan) ways to fight propaganda and disinformation: best practices”. The webinar is part of a project entitled “Polish Experience in Combating Disinformation – Inspirations for the Western Balkans”....

9 October 2023
Our publications

“Japan and Central Europe: Geopolitics, Security, and Economy.” Institute of Central Europe/IEŚ Policy Papers 8/2023

Institute of Central Europe Policy Papers 8/2023 Japan and Central Europe: Geopolitics, Security, and Economy Editors: Tomasz Stępniewski, Adrianna Śniadowska ISBN: 978-83-67678-17-9 Number of pages: 59 Format: 135×200 Publishing: Lublin 2023 Description: Europe is increasingly coming into focus for Japan in the realms of geopolitics, security, and economics, with Tokyo’s...

6 October 2023
In the media

Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the CIR-CSM, in the “Dzień na świecie” – “Day in the World” show on Polsat News about the issue of the European “migration pact” [01/10/2023]

  Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the Centre for International Relations (CSM), was a guest on the show “Dzień na świecie”  – ‘A Day in the World’ on Polsat News, hosted by editor Jan Mikruta. The discussion concerned the difficulties related to the conclusion of the migration pact in Brussels...

2 October 2023
In the media

Dr. Bruno Surdel for the Cairo News, Egypt: NATO naval drills, “Northern Coasts” in the Baltic Sea is a clear message to Moscow of the Alliance’s unity and preparedness for any contingency in the region. [11/09/2023]

  Around 30 warships and 3,200 personnel from 14 NATO nations take part in the exercises. While Russia’s war of aggression continues in Ukraine, the drills show NATO’s resolve to defend every inch of the Baltic countrie’s territory. After Finland’s accession to the NATO and Sweden hopefully joining soon, the...

11 September 2023
In the media

Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CIR-CSM for Le Figaro: “If the currently ruling United Right wins the elections, the referendum result will be an additional negotiating tool with other EU members.” [08/09/2023]

A possible victory of the United Right will show Poland as a country under migration pressure that has accepted numerous migrants from Ukraine. This would be an argument for further blocking mandatory relocation, which is not included in the EU Migration Pact, but functions in the electoral narrative as something...

8 September 2023

Zoom on the World: Papua New Guinea and the Indo-Pacific. Tuesday, 12 September at 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm on the Facebook profiles of the Centre for International Relations and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Polen.

The Centre for International Relations and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland would like to invite you to another conversation in the series Zoom on the World. Once a month, together with our guests: diplomats, entrepreneurs, experts, we analyse the world situation from a Polish and European perspective. Our guest...

4 September 2023
In the media

Dr Bruno Surdel for Radio Wnet on the Putin – Erdoğan meeting: Turkey’s relationship with Russia is strategic for both sides. [04.09.2023]

  “Turkey and Russia have military, tourist, trade ties; Russia is building a nuclear power plant next to Mersin in southern Turkey. President Erdogan will want to bring about the renewal of the grain deal and the release of Ukrainian grain so that it can be transported to the world...

4 September 2023
In the media

Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of the Centre for International Relations for Gazeta Finansowa: “Migration is a fundamental human right, and the ability to relocate and work, irrespective of one’s origin, should not be denied.” [03.09.2023]

“There is indeed no serious discussion about migration in Poland. The Polish government does not want to debate, even about the situation on the border with Belarus, from where we expect the biggest threat. Instead, there is a debate about the relocation of migrants from the southern routes”. -Dr Bonikowska...

4 September 2023
Current projects

EuroTok Project

EuroTok is CIR’s project for secondary schools aiming to discuss the benefits and costs of adopting the common currency, as well as to show the euro as a mechanism for promoting the most important values ​​of the countries of the eurozone through personalised reverses on coins. Each country placed there...

17 August 2023
Current projects


The documentary film directed by Agnieszka Ostrowska, CIR’s Program Director, presents ten stories of Ukrainian refugees, women from different parts of Ukraine, of different ages and from different backgrounds. They talk about the circumstances of their decision to leave the war-torn country, about the lives they left there, the trauma...

17 August 2023
In the media

Smolar: “Germany, since the turning point, is undergoing a challenging period of adjusting to a new reality. In this process, every government in Warsaw should be a constructive partner to Germany…” [17.08.2023]

Together, we should focus on laying the foundations for a policy that serves the entire European Union – writes Eugeniusz Smolar, an expert and a member of the CSM Foundation Council, in the article “Trust Deficit: Polish-German Relations and the War in #Ukraine” in the Polish-German magazine Dialog.

17 August 2023