The documentary film directed by Agnieszka Ostrowska, CIR’s Program Director, presents ten stories of Ukrainian refugees, women from different parts of Ukraine, of different ages and from different backgrounds. They talk about the circumstances of their decision to leave the war-torn country, about the lives they left there, the trauma they went through, dreams and expectations regarding the future of Ukraine, as well as the prospects and conditions for reconciliation with Russia. The starting point of each of the stories are the most important things that the women took with them to Poland. These are most often items of a personal, sentimental nature, souvenirs of loved ones. This serves as a pretext to start a conversation about what is most important from the point of view of Ukraine and the Ukrainian nation today, and after the war. The premiere of the film will take place on September 18 at the Central House of Technology at Krucza 50 in Warsaw. Starting from December 2023, the documentary will be broadcast on TVP Historia, TVP Info and Telewizja Trwam. The partner of the Center for International Relations in the production of the film is the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland.