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Completed projects

“Europe-Asia Dialogue” Project

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation has implemented a project, which aimed at conducting a regular dialogue between Europe and Asia (especially Eastern Asia) and at improving cooperation between the continents. For the last fifteen years, representatives of international think tanks and research institutes have met alternately in one of the European...

28 October 2013
Completed projects


In 2007, CIR started participation in the project financed by the European Commission under the 6th edition of the CLANDESTINO Framework Programme – “Irregular Migration: Counting the uncountable Data and Trends Across Europe”. The project has a comparative and interdisciplinary character, and provided a critical analysis of the undocumented migration...

11 December 2008
Completed projects

The EMILIE Project

In 2006, CIR started participation in the project financed by the European Commission under the 6th edition of the EMILE Framework Programme – “European approach towards to the multicultural citizenship: legal, political, and educational challenges”. Its aim is to develop well-established research solutions to the current multicultural crisis in Europe....

11 May 2007
Completed projects

The Polish Eastern border as the border of Europe 2000

The project is financially supported by the Delegation of the European Commission as a part of interdisciplinary programme PHARE-ZZ9724.

11 April 2000
Completed projects

Poland 2000: Achievements and Problems

Sponsored by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Promotion Department)

11 April 2000
Completed projects

School of Citizenship Education for Belarusian youth elites 2000

Sponsored by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Promotion Department)

11 April 2000
Completed projects

The Polish Eastern border as the border of Europe 1999

The project is financially supported by the Delegation of the European Commission as a part of interdisciplinary programme PHARE-ZZ9724.

11 April 1999
Completed projects

1999 Millennium Brochure

Sponsored by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Promotion Department)

11 October 1998
Completed projects

Chinese influence in V4: Understanding the impact on political elites

Influence of foreign, authoritarian regimes is increasingly a hot topic in EU. V4 is no different from the rest of the EU in this regard. However, most of the attention was so far focused on Russia. With few exceptions, China and its influence has been so far largely ignored in...

27 April 2020

Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/ on line 28

Warning: Attempt to read property "cat_name" on null in /home/ on line 28

Prof. Salvatore Babones, CIR senior fellow and scientific advisor for Forbes – 10/26/2017

Australia is a land of sunshine, blue skies, sandy beaches and seemingly endless economic growth. No wonder so many people want to move there. With more than 28% of its population having been born overseas, Australia is the clear immigration leader among major developed countries. Only tiny Luxembourg and Switzerland...

26 October 2017