In 2006, CIR started participation in the project financed by the European Commission under the 6th edition of the EMILE Framework Programme – “European approach towards to the multicultural citizenship: legal, political, and educational challenges”. Its aim is to develop well-established research solutions to the current multicultural crisis in Europe. Nine European states will participate in the research: Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Spain, Denmark, Poland and Latvia.
Project Publications:
- Multiculturalism debates in Poland by Agnieszka Weinar
- Educational Challenges Posed by Migration to Poland by Katarzyna Gmaj
- Educational Challenges Posed by Migration to Poland – Recommendations for Policy Makers by Katarzyna Gmaj and Krystyna Iglicka
- Wyzwania edukacyjne zwiazane z migracjami do Polski. Rekomendacje by Katarzyna Gmaj and Krystyna Iglicka
- Discrimination in the Workplace and the Challenge of Migration: the Case of Poland by Katarzyna Gmaj