The Europe of the future must be „smart” and implement innovative projects that will lead to development and structural changes rather than fixing what used to be till now – says dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR’s president, in an interview for Dziennik Zachodni. Infrastructure investments are important, because, for example, thanks to good communication not only domestic business is developing, but also foreign investments, and Poland is gaining increasing export and international traffic for our country.
Therefore, the government plans further transport investments, which, however, will focus on the missing sections of motorways and completing them with a network of expressways. Road construction, railway modernization and especially expansion of broadband Internet will not be detained. It is rather about limiting expenditures on other investments, often discussable, eg. water parks or sports facilities, which in the long run may really be more of a burden than an opportunity to develop for municipalities – their maintenance is expensive and extra spendings are a huge problem for local governments.
Read the whole article in Polish here: {phocadownload view=file|id=523|target=s}