We were invited to attend a high-level workshop in Brussels, held as part of a Demos project on populism and political, social and economic trends in the European Union. The event brought together leading European scholars, policy-makers and journalists for a lively and solutions-focused debate. CSM was represented by Agnieszka Ostrowska, Centre’s strategic programmes coordinator. The workshop began with presentations from Demos and its five research partners in Germany, France, Spain, Sweden and Poland on their national case studies, as well as exclusive new polling that has been undertaken with YouGov to support qualitative analysis.
The second session involved structured discussions about how the EU, national governments, the media and civil society could meet the priority challenges identified within each country.The project seeks to capture how an emerging culture and politics of fear is gripping the European Union as a whole, and its unique manifestations within member states. It addresses five levels of impacts: party politics, public policy, social cohesion and integration, media rhetoric, citizens and identity. A final report with project’s findings and conclusions, which will suggest ways forward for nation states, EU institutions, and NGOs working at the grassroots to overcome the politics of fear, is to be published in early 2017.
Demos is Britain’s leading cross-party think-tank that produces original research, publish innovative thinkers and host thought-provoking events. It has spent over 20 years at the centre of the policy debate, with an overarching mission to bring politics closer to people. Alongside quantitative research, Demos pioneers new forms of deliberative work, from citizens’ juries and ethnography to ground breaking social media analysis.
Further information about the project can be found here: https://www.demos.co.uk/project/nothing-to-fear-but-fear-itself/