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New EU authorities. What can business and the economy expect?

28 listopada 2014

The Centre for International Relations and The European Commission Representation in Poland are organizing a meeting among experts and business environment, whose purpose is to discuss expectations from the new European Commission under the leadership of Jean-Claude Juncker. The debate will focus in particular on the economic and investment priorities of the new Commission as well as its new structure and working methods. The invited experts will try to explain how the new structure proposed by Juncker and the working methods of the EC will impact European and Polish economy in the coming years.

In view of economic forecasts reduction by the European Commission for the eurozone (according to them, the eurozone will grow in 2014 by only 0.8%), it seems ever the more important to discuss the priorities of the new EC, as determined by Jean-Claude Juncker: the creation of a single digital market for consumers and businesses, a continuation of the negotiations for a reasonable and balanced trade agreement with the US, further monetary union reforms, a greater integration of EU countries in the eurozone and the preservation of the integrity of the single market and its four freedoms. Experts will also discuss the „investment plan for Europe” recently presented by Juncker, which is to generate investments worth 315 billion euros over three years. Its main objectives are to stimulate economic growth, create new jobs and make Europe an attractive place for investors. The new structure of the EC proposed by Juncker will help in meeting these challenges. It will be composed of seven Vice-Presidents, who will coordinate the activities of group commissioners and will be responsible for the implementation of priority tasks, such as a common digital market and the energy union. The invited experts will try to explain how the new structure proposed by Juncker and the working methods of the EC will impact European and Polish economy in the coming years.

Source of photo: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/mediagallery/index.cfm?sitelang=en