22 października 2008 roku odbyło się seminarium z udziałem Davida Iversona, zatytułowanym 'The U.S. Presidential Election 2008 in historical context’, zorganizowane przez Centrum Stosunków Międzynarodowych oraz Ambasadę Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki.
Dave Iverson, veteran public television producer and anchor in the United States, will offer an insider’s perspective on the American election. Using survey data, current campaign advertisements, and footage from previous debates, he will look at the issues that matter most to the American voter and examine how the two campaigns have approached those issues and this election. Additionally, Iverson will address the importance of „battleground states,” the possible impact of race and gender on this election, and the role of debates in presidential campaigns.
David Iverson has been an executive producer and anchor of national, regional and local specials for public broadcasting for 30 years. Iverson is based in San Francisco, where he also hosts programs for KQED public radio and television. In 2000, he served as the Presidential Debate Commission’s coordinating producer for the Vice Presidential Debate between Dick Cheney and Joe Lieberman. He was the writer, narrator and co-producer of the 1999 national Emmy award winning PBS documentary 'The 30 Second Candidate.’ In all, he has written and supervised production of over 25 documentaries for national prime time broadcast on PBS.
Iverson’s extensive experience includes four years as the exective director of Best Practices in Journalism, 20 years of involvement with public television, and extensive consulting, advising, and lecturing. His awards include a national Emmy Award, the Alfred I. dupont-Columbia Award, the Gabriel Award, the New York Film Festival Gold and Silver Awards, the Chicago Film Festival Gold Hugo, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting Gold Award, and the Ohio State award, as well as numerous regional and local awards.
Iverson is a graduate of Stanford University and received his MS in Telecommunications from Indiana University.