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„Even if Poland’s rulers somehow compromise and leave TVN alone, the lack of trust this episode has engendered will remain between Washington and Warsaw for a long time” – Eugeniusz Smolar, CIR expert, wrote for AMERICAN PURPOSE [19.11.2021]

24 listopada 2021
CSM w mediach

The government has attempted to restrict TVN24’s freedom of action before and faced rebuffs from U.S. diplomats for doing so—including from former President Trump’s ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher. Numerous consultations between senior American diplomats and the Polish government have failed to resolve the problem. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken himself has responded with a warning. Even if Poland’s rulers somehow compromise and leave TVN alone, the lack of trust this episode has engendered will remain between Washington and Warsaw for a long time – Eugeniusz Smolar, CIR expert, wrote for AMERICAN PURPOSE.

The article is available here.