In the 1930’s a Polish distinguished traveller and reporter, Kazimierz Nowak, biked across Africa – from the North to the South, and back. By bike, on foot, on horseback, on a camel and by boat. The journey which lasted 5 years was quite an achievement at those times. Nowak perfectly documented his African expedition. He died one year after the return, at the age of 37. To honour the person and his accomplishments, the „World Jamboree” Foundation under the auspices of the Polish Scouts Association decided to organise an expedition along the route which Nowak had planned through Asia.
The cycling relay led from Poland to Japan along „the Silk Route” via Turkey, Iran and Pamir Mountains. It lasted 7 months, and the participants attended the 23rd World Scout Jamboree in Yamaguchi (28 July – 8 August 2015). Te aim of the expedition was also to promote Poland – a candidate country to organise the 25th World Scout Jamboree in 2023.