The aims of climate and environment protection policy are clear, unlike their implementation – stated Sigmar Gabriel, German Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economic Affairs, during the second Polish-German Energy Forum organised on 23 March 2015 in Berlin by the Centre for International Relations in cooperation with Professor Friedbert Pflüger. The participation of high ranking politicians, executives and representatives of energy companies from Poland and Germany enabled for the discussion about the practical aspects of energy policy.
Polish Minister of the Environment Maciej Grabowski underlined that during last year’s October European Council Summit a good, although demanding, compromise was accomplished. Both Polish and German participants of the debate agreed that the security of supplies, sustainable development and competitiveness make up the three equally important elements of energy policy. However, the details and proportions of energy mix: renewable energy sources, coal, atom and gas were seen from different perspectives. A question of Energy Union was discussed, namely, whether internal market together with regional cooperation would be sufficient to achieve cheap energy. It was agreed that it was necessary to resign from moralism and ideology, and to continue dialogue on both sides.
Click HERE to get the report „Can Energy Union be the next driver for the growth and cohesion of Poland and Germany?” (co-authored by CIR).