The European Union has a new parliament since May, a new Commission since November chaired by Jean-Claude Juncker, and a new President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, since December 1st. The new EU authorities face serious challenges, especially that despite many years of efforts to integrate Europe, the continent remains divided. Today, the most important issues concern economic growth, competitiveness and innovation of companies as well as jobs for young people. Hints on what can be done to achieve these objectives are provided in the report „The Future of European Integration – A Reform Call”, developed by an international team of experts and Günter Verheugen.
Three think tanks participated in the project: the center for dialogue and analysis, THINKTANK from Warsaw, Avenir Suisse from Zurich and Boðaziçi University – TÜSÝAD Foreign Policy Forum from Istanbul, as well as dr Cornelius Adebahr, employee of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). They were appointed by three business organizations: Economiesuisse, the Polish Confederation Lewiatan and the Turkish TÜSÝAD (Turkish Industry and Business Association).
The report was presented on December 4th in Brussels in cooperation with the European Policy Centre.
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It is also available on THINKTANK’s website (www.mttp.pl): http://mttp.pl/pobieranie/The_Future_of_Europe_report.PDF