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Southeast Asia: how the ASEAN members see Europe?

18 maja 2021

 Zoom the World: Southeast Asia: how the ASEAN members see Europe?

Centre for International Relations and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Polen invite you to the next meeting of our series – ZOOM THE WORLD, conversations with exceptional guests on our Facebook page.

Our guests:
? Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro, Head of the KAS office in Thailand
?  Christian Echle, Director of the KAS Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia
?  David Gregosz, Head of the KAS office in Poland

We will discuss:
– what is the regional approach to the USA-China rivalry and the concept of Indo-pacific?
– pandemic consequences : how deep will the socio-economic crisis be? Measures to fight it.
– what are recent activities of ASEAN as a block and the main internal challenges in the member states? ?