Exactly two years ago, on May 2nd 2014, the Chinese authorities ordered drilling works on the oil platform in the South China Sea. The South China Sea is one of the most contentious places on the map of the world. The two conflicts – one between China and Vietnam for the Paracels Islands and the conflict between China, Taiwan and four ASEAN countries (Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, and Brunei) – for the Spratly Archipelago, are partly connected to the rivalry for natural resources and military domination. However, the control of one of the most important trade routes on the globe is at stake. The conflict involves also other international actors such as the United States, Japan, the G7 countries, as well as India and Australia.
This vaguely known issue in Poland, but very important for global security, has been discussed during experts’ debate entitled ‘South China Sea: the source of potential conflict in Asia’ organized on the 17th of May 2016, in the Center for International Relations, Warsaw. The Center for International Relations prepared a special report concerning the issue. Diplomats and experts on international relations and defense were invited to the meeting.