Agnieszka Ostrowska
Specialisation: fighting disinformation
Agnieszka Ostrowska graduated from English Language Department at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland and post-graduate European Studies at Sussex University in Brighton, Great Britain (diploma with distinction). In 1995–2011 she was a full-time Polish Public Television journalist specializing in social and international issues. She is the author of nearly one hundred reportages for “The Express of Reporters” (Polish Public TV; Channel 2); a documentary made in the Democratic Republic of Congo about the UNICEF’s mission and refugee camps in the conflict regions close to Rwanda; as well as numerous programs about European integration and the EU. Her television cycle “Calling Europe by her first name” was one of the biggest TV productions realized with the help of the EU funds (nearly 1,5 million zloty from European Regional Development Fund). In 2005 and 2006 she won European funds for the production of “Europe XXL” television cycle (Polish Public TV; Channel 1); in 2003, 2005 and 2006 – “Landscape with Europe at the background” (Polish Public TV; Channel 2); and in 2002 – “Postcards from the middle of Europe” (Polish Public TV; Channel 2);. In 2001 – 2003 she was a publications expert in the European Commission Information and Communication Program in Poland. Before Poland accession to the EU was editor-in-chief of the “Integration” monthly published by Centre for European Information at Office of the Committee for European Integration.