4 czerwca w Paryżu odbędzie się konferencja 'Central European Perspectives on the European Neigbourhood Policy’ z udziałem Eugeniusza Smolara, Prezesa CSM.
Jacques Rupnik, directeur de recherches, CERI-Sciences Po
- Péter Balázs, Director, Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS), Central European University, Budapest
- Alexander Duleba, Director, Research Center, Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), Bratislava
- Eugeniusz Smolar, President, Center for International Relations (CIR), Warsaw
- Jiří Schneider, Program Director, Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI), Prague
Eastern and Southern Dimensions of the ENP: Common Approach or Divergent Interests?
- What kind of ENP: one-fit-for-all policy towards the EU neighbours or 'tailored’ solutions and regional formats (Union pour la Méditerranée)?
- What is the finalité of the ENP towards our Eastern Neighbours? Is it the 'European perspective’?
- To what extent are there shared interests in the Eastern and Southern neighbourhoods of the EU?
Anne-Marie Le Gloannec (CERI-Sciences Po), Laure Delcour (IRIS), Anne de Tinguy (INALCO-CERI)
Four institutes from Budapest, Bratislava, Prague and Warsaw have been conducting joint research project co-sponsored by the International Visegrad Fund and the German Marshall Fund of the United States. The aim of the 3-year (2006-2008) project is to bring new impulses to policy debates and to uphold a role of Visegrad countries in shaping the political agenda of the European Council, European Commission, European Parliament, member states and other actors in the area of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Eastern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy.
Więcej o projekcie na stronach CSM: www.csm.org.pl/...