The protection of intellectual property and its execution is the basis of a competitive economy. CIR and the center for dialogue and analysis THINKTANK together with the Polish Patent Office co-organized the conference „The Visegrad Group – China. Intellectual property in the business strategy”. During the meeting, the great importance of intellectual property protection when entering the Chinese market was stressed as well as the fact that Polish companies still have a low awareness of the significance of this aspect of the business. Andrzej Turkowski, analyst at CIR, moderated the panel summarizing the conference.
Matters concerning the opportunities and barriers on the Chinese market for companies from the Visegrad Group were also discussed. The Chinese participants emphasized the need for specialization, finding niches and building recognition by companies from our region on the highly competitive Chinese market.
The conference was held under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland.
Photos by: Robert Graff.