Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar “Poland’s success in the area of international trade and foreign direct investment: determinants and prospects”.
The webinar is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”.
This is a public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Public Diplomacy 2022”.
Our guests are: Małgorzata Dziembała, PhD (hab.), prof. EU. Habilitated doctor in the discipline of economics; Head of the Department of International Economic Relations at the University of Economics in Katowice. She conducts research concerning the economic policy of the EU, including the cohesion policy, the competitiveness of regions, innovation and international cooperation of regions, integration processes in the EU and in the world.
Wojciech Tyborowski – Director of the Invest in Pomerania, which is the investor assistance center in Pomorskie Voivodeship. An experienced project manager, with previous professional experience from ABSL and ACCA. He graduated from the University of Gdańsk.
Stanisław Umiński, PhD (hab.), prof. UG. Habilitated doctor at the Department of International Economics and Economic Development, UG board member of the Institute of Development and ABSL Senior Analyst. An expert in the field of European integration, foreign direct investment, international trade and a trade analyst in a regional perspective. Author of numerous scientific publications, including in prestigious scientific journals.
Aleksandra Borowicz, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Gdańsk. Her research focuses on foreign direct investment and the economics of European integration. Member of numerous project teams co-financed by the European Union and, among others, National Bank of Poland. She has implemented projects from national and regional funds. Member of PECSA (Polish European Community Studies Association) and Team Europe by European Commission in Warsaw. Author and co-author of research papers and scientific books.