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Poland as a country  of success  in the transformation  of the agricultural sector

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Poland as a country  of success  in the transformation  of the agricultural sector”. The podcast is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by...

24 October 2022

Poland, the Balkans, Central & Eastern Europe and European (Differentiated) Integration

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Poland, the Balkans, Cental & Eastern Europe and European (Differentiated) Integration”. The podcast is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by the Ministry...

18 October 2022

Polish experiences as a post-communist state in building a civil society

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Polish experiences as a post-communist state in building a civil society”. The podcast is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by the Ministry...

18 October 2022

Polish experiences as a post-communist state in building a civil society

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Polish experiences as a post-communist state in building a civil society”. The podcast is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by the Ministry...

12 October 2022

Belt and Road Initiative – cooperation with China

In 2013, President Xi Jinping brought back the traditional Silk Road Spirit of “peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit”. Beijing jointly initiated the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, also known as the Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI). Since then,...

3 October 2022

The war in Ukraine from the Japanese perspective

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has opened a new chapter in the history of the post-Cold War world. It has shaken the political and economic foundations of Europe and, on the other hand, has brought the confrontation between the global ‘East’ and ‘West’ back to the fore in international politics. In...

30 September 2022

Poland’s success in the area of international trade and foreign direct investment

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar “Poland’s success in the area of international trade and foreign direct investment: determinants and prospects”.  The webinar is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed...

24 September 2022
Balkan ambitions and Polish inspirations

Poland as an example of the effective utilization of the EU cohesion policy funds

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar  “Poland as an example of the effective utilization of the EU cohesion policy funds”.  The webinar is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by...

24 September 2022

Historical Approach to Russian-German Relations

The Centre for International Relations invites all interested to an interview entitled “Historical Approach to Russian-German Relations”, which will take place on Wednesday at 19:00.  The guest will be Professor Ian Ona Johnson from the University of Notre Dame in the USA, author of the book “Faustian Bargain: The Soviet-German...

6 September 2022
Balkan ambitions and Polish inspirations

Poland as a country involved in the creation of a migration policy that guarantees a balance between the needs of the labor market and internal security

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Centre for International Relations and Institute of Central Europe invite you to a webinar “Poland as a country involved in the creation of a migration policy that guarantees a balance between the needs of the labor market and internal security”.  The webinar is part...

5 September 2022

Polish experiences in building a civil society

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar  “Polish experiences in building a civil society”. The webinar is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the...

4 September 2022

Poland as a stabilizer of European security in the Eastern dimension: OSCE presidency

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Centre for International Relations and Institute of Central Europe invite you to a webinar ? “Poland as a stabilizer of European security in the Eastern dimension: OSCE presidency”. ? The webinar is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This...

4 September 2022

War in Ukraine and the world food crisis

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has deepened the global food crisis which has already hit hard due to the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting supply chains disruptions. There was a sharp spike in grain and fertilizers prices and their shortages on African and Middle East markets. Both Ukraine and Russia are leading...

28 August 2022

Poland as a leader of European cooperation on the North-South line: The Three Seas Initiative

Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Centre for International Relations and Institute of Central Europe invite you to a webinar  “Poland as a leader of European cooperation on the North-South line: the Three Seas Initiative”.  The webinar is part of a project entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is...

22 July 2022
We recommend

Warsaw Security Forum, 4-5 October 2022

The Warsaw Security Forum is one of the leading European security conferences devoted to transatlantic cooperation and focused on elaborating shared responses to common challenges, with an emphasis on the security of Central and Eastern Europe. Organized since 2014, the Warsaw Security Forum gathers annually over 1500 highest representatives of governments, international...

22 July 2022
We recommend

European Forum for New Ideas, 12-14 October 2022, Sopot

The European Forum for New Ideas is one of the largest conferences in this part of the continent, dedicated to global trends, new ideas and the future of Europe. Business representatives, charismatic speakers, leaders and policy-makers as well as authorities from the world of culture and science discuss the most...

22 July 2022

International Conference and Workshop in Bitola (North Macedonia)

From June 30th to July 4th, a team of employees from the Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw (CEUW) and partners from the Centre for International Relations and the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw, conducted a study and conference visit to North Macedonia...

13 July 2022

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Balkan ambitions and Polish inspirations

Center for Europe University of Warsaw and Faculty of Law University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”- Bitola (North Macedonia) realizes in 2022 a grant entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition...

11 July 2022

War in Ukraine: Middle East’s responses

ISRAEL’S SECURITY AND THE GULF’S ENERGY INTERESTS   The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused confusion in Israel and in the larger Middle East. Israel’s sympathies are clearly with Ukrainians and Israelis have rallied for them – sometimes in big numbers – and privately donated aid. Moreover, the Israeli government...

4 July 2022
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