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“Merkel had considerable sympathy and understanding towards Poland, but there was one matter in which she refused to compromise with any nation, even a friendly one,” stated Janusz Reiter, an expert from the Center for International Relations (CIR) and former Polish ambassador to the United States and Germany, in his article published in Rzeczpospolita [18.04.2023]

18 April 2023
In the media

Janusz Reiter, an expert on international relations and former Polish ambassador to the US and Germany, voices his opinion in an article published in Rzeczpospolita regarding the reasons behind German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier awarding Angela Merkel with a prestigious decoration.

According to Reiter, Merkel believed that maintaining Germany’s economic strength was crucial for it to become a reliable partner in both Europe and the Atlantic region. However, she held the view that achieving this required economic cooperation with China and Russia. Reiter argues that this belief was a mistake and it will also impact Poland’s evaluation of Merkel’s policies.

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