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In our opinion


Europe after elections to the European Parliament. In the “Dzień na Świecie” show on, Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CIR – CSM, in conversation with Grzegorz Dobiecki

In the “Dzien na Świecie” show on, Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CIR – CSM, talked to Grzegorz Dobiecki. According to Dr. Bonikowska, politics in Europe is still national and member states prefer weak players in Brussels.In the new composition of the European Parliament, the European People’s Party remains...

12 June 2024
In our opinion

“Sentimentality, which has grown up over the course of several centuries, plays an important role in relations between Poland and Turkey”, said dr. Bruno Surdel, Turkey expert at the Centre for International Relations on DW – Deutsche Welle [15.02.2023]

Poland recognizes the geopolitical significance of Turkey, its function as a bridge between the Middle East and Europe, between Russia and Europe, and its military strength. And then there is Poland’s political realism in recognizing Turkey as a superregional geopolitical power – said dr Bruno Surdel, Turkey expert at the...

15 February 2023
In our opinion

Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, CSM expert, on Poland’s role in EU budget negotiations for Euronews [13.07]

Relations between Poland and the European Union will remain strained over issues such as the rule of law, climate change and the post-covid situation – said Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, CSM expert, in an interview with Euronews. The whole interview is available HERE.

20 February 2021
In our opinion

“Given the circumstances, the whole election process should be stopped. We, the citizens, are concentrated on something else.” – Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska for [16.04.2020]

Given the circumstances, the whole election process should be stopped. We, the citizens, are concentrated on something else. The logical consequence would be to postpone the elections — not because it’s not possible to vote, but because we need a proper presentation of the other candidates, if this is a...

20 February 2021
In our opinion

“EU summit in Brussels is a chance for the EU to reset itself by agreeing a joint strategy to fight the pandemic and the economic crisis” – dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, president of CSM [25.07]

The response to the Coronavirus by the EU is unprecedented because for the first time in its history the community is raising money on the international markets together and will have to pay for that together too – Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, president of CSM, about the EU summit for the...

20 February 2021