Center for Europe University of Warsaw and Faculty of Law University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”- Bitola (North Macedonia) realizes in 2022 a grant entitled “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”. This is a public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Public Diplomacy 2022”.
The aim of the project is to present Poland as a leader of political, economic, social and cultural changes in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The action is aimed at opinion-forming circles in the Balkans: employees and students of universities, non-governmental organizations and journalists in North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
Conference “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”
The Center for Europe of the University of Warsaw and its partners are pleased to invite you to the international conference entitled “Balkan Ambitions and…
International Conference and Workshop in Bitola (North Macedonia)
From June 30th to July 4th, a team of employees from the Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw (CEUW) and partners from the Centre for…
CIR became a partner of the project “Balkan Ambitions and Polish Inspirations”.
Center for Europe University of Warsaw and Faculty of Law University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”- Bitola (North Macedonia) realizes in 2022 a grant entitled “Balkan Ambitions…
Poland’s success in the area of international trade and foreign direct investment
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar “Poland’s success in the area of international trade and…
Poland as an example of the effective utilization of the EU cohesion policy funds
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar “Poland as an example of the effective utilization of…
Poland as a country involved in the creation of a migration policy that guarantees a balance between the needs of the labor market and internal security
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Centre for International Relations and Institute of Central Europe invite you to a webinar “Poland as a country involved…
Polish experiences in building a civil society
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a webinar “Polish experiences in building a civil society”. The webinar…
Poland as a leader in shaping the European Union’s Eastern policy: the Eastern Partnership
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Centre for International Relations and Institute of Central Europe invite you to a webinar “Poland as a leader in…
Poland as a leader of European cooperation on the North-South line: The Three Seas Initiative
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw, Centre for International Relations and Institute of Central Europe invite you to a webinar “Poland as a leader of…
Poland as a country of success in the transformation of the agricultural sector
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Poland as a country of success in the…
Polish experiences in shaping participatory budgets – an example for the Western Balkans
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Polish experiences in shaping participatory budgets – an…
Poland, the Balkans, Central & Eastern Europe and European (Differentiated) Integration
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Poland, the Balkans, Cental & Eastern Europe and…
Polish experiences as a post-communist state in building a civil society
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Polish experiences as a post-communist state in building…
Polish experiences as a post-communist state in building a civil society
Centre for Europe of University of Warsaw and Centre for International Relations invite you to a podcast “Polish experiences as a post-communist state in building…