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CIR Comment: “Should India be wary of Hungary?”


CIR Comment: “Should India be wary of Hungary?”

An International Study has identified 46 populist leaders in the world. What is of interest and some anxiety is that when the whole world is locked down in battling the coronavirus, the Hungarian Prime Minister did not want to waste this crisis to enlarge his powers. Populism goes with concentration...

25 July 2020
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8 July 2020

CIR Comment: “EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement”

A landmark free trade agreement will enter into force in early August. It concerns the European Union and Vietnam, eliminates virtually all customs duties and thus creates excellent conditions for the reconstruction of enterprises after the coronavirus crisis. The reality, however, may turn out to be much more difficult than...

2 July 2020

CIR Comment: “Chinese incursions”

Chinese troops have moved into three-odd kilometers of the Indian territory in north of India and have built camps. Indian troops are engaged in skirmishes with Chinese troops along the India- China border. New Delhi is trying to sort this out with talks and negotiations. Some five high-level meetings have...

30 June 2020

CIR Comment: “Pandemia. How did it start?”

Corona Virus is not a brand new virus. But COVID-19 is. Nobody heard about this until it created mayhem in the Chinese City of Wuhan. While global sympathy was there for the Chinese citizens who mercilessly suffered from this virus or died of this viral attack, the sympathy turned into...

29 April 2020
Completed projects

1989 – European light and the Balkan darnkess

To commemorate the fall of the Berlin Wall and the beginning of the breakup of Yugoslavia, Centre for Democratic Transition, together with partners from the six countries (including CIR) of the European Union and the Western Balkans launched a public dialogue on 1989 and its reflections on a united Europe...

2 January 2019
Videos Europe-Asia Review

ZOOM THE WORLD Afghanistan. What next?

Centre for International Relations and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Polen invite you to the next meeting of our series – ZOOM THE WORLD, conversations with exceptional guests: diplomats, entrepreneurs and experts about the situation in Poland and in the world. Our guests were: Patryk Kugiel – senior analyst, Polish Institute...

29 September 2021
Videos Europe-Asia Review

EUROPE ASIA ONLINE BRIDGE – Security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific is perceived as one of the most important terrains of rivalry in the emerging new world order. USA and China have been competing for the economic, political and technological domination, dealing with the countries of the region at different levels. Listen to the online debate organised by the Embassy...

1 August 2021
Videos Europe-Asia Review

Southeast Asia: how the ASEAN members see Europe

Centre for International Relations and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Polen invite you to the next meeting of our series – ZOOM THE WORLD. Our guests were: ? Dr. Céline-Agathe Caro, Head of the KAS office in Thailand ? Christian Echle, Director of the KAS Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia ?...

2 June 2021
Videos Europe-Asia Review

Diplomatic Coffee: Indonesia

? Centre for International Relations, THINKTANK and Heart on Fire organised an online meeting “Diplomatic coffee”, first episode of our new series. Our guest was: ➡️ Siti Mauludiah, ​​the Indonesian Ambassador to Poland The meeting was moderated by Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, the CIR and THINKTANK president and Michał Rejent, entrepreneur,...

26 March 2021
Videos Europe-Asia Review

CSM LIVE TALKS: India – China relations

INDIA – CHINA RELATIONS: between “One Belt One Road” and “Indo-Pacific” Our guest are: – Dr. D. K. Giri, Jamia Islamia University, India – Dr. Yuan Hang, Sichuan University, China – Dr. Arvind Kumar, Manipal University, India We discussed: – what is the impact of the border disputes on the...

26 March 2021
Videos Europe-Asia Review

CSM LIVE TALKS: Mexico and Vietnam

CSM LIVE TALKS: Mexico and Vietnam Our guest are: – Montserrat Xilotl, Latin America and Caribbean Regional Consultant on Climate Change Adaptation for UNDP – Vu Thu Ha, Foreign Desk Editor, Viet Nam News We discussed: – Europe from outside: Mexican and Vietnamese perspective – US&China competition – Mexican and...

26 March 2021
Videos Europe-Asia Review


CSM LIVE MEETINGS: India Our guest was Prof. Chintamani Mahapatra from Jawaharlal Nehru University , Founder & (Honorary) Chairman of  Kalinga Institute of Indo-Pacific Studies. We discussed: – how India deals with the pandemic? – what consequences of the lockdown for the global economy will be? – what changes can...

25 March 2021

Montserrat Xilotl on Europe from the Mexican perspective

Guests of our CSM LIVE TALK were: – Montserrat Xilotl, Latin America and Caribbean Regional Consultant on Climate Change Adaptation for UND – Vu Thu Ha, Foreign Desk Editor, Viet Nam News

8 December 2020

Dr. Emmanuel Navon on his book “The Star and the Scepter: A Diplomatic History of Israel”

Dr. Jerzy Wojcik, Centre for International Relations expert, talks to Dr. Emmanuel Navon, an International Relations expert, about his new book “The Star and the Scepter: A Diplomatic History of Israel”.

25 November 2020

Hong Kong – business support in the time of pandemic

The government is adopting measure to support companies and employees in Hong Kong. The idea behind this is that we want to keep the unemployment rate as low as possible – said Professor Chiu Chi Yue from The Chinese University of Hong Kong during CSM LIVE MEETING concerning situation in Hong...

29 April 2020

CIR analysis: “Georgia. Between Russia and the West”

26 May Georgia celebrates its Independence Day.  The country stands out from its neighbours thanks to its democratic credentials. Yet in recent years, the South Caucasian country of 3.7 million people has been plagued by political and economic tensions, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the aftermath of the parliamentary...

26 May 2021