The key challenge for a further development in Poland is fast and revolutionary reduction of bureaucratic overload. The development of entrepreneurship and a creation of a modern, innovative financial sector are one of the main achievements of Polish transformation. A two-decade long, lively entrepreneurship accelerated Polish development. The financial sector is one of the best and the most developed not only in Europe, but also worldwide.
Still, the challenge is in social policy and in the overload of formalities in economy. We should reduce them not evolutionary (what proved to be not effective over the years) but revolutionary. Those are the main conclusions from THINKTANK – Centre for Dialogue and Analysis and Centre for International Relations’ discussion held on the premises of Warsaw Stock Exchange, one of several debates organized by the centers, dedicated to the motors and mechanisms of the Big Change in Poland. Main architects of the changes in the financial and capital sector, including: Jan Krzysztof Bielecki – former Prime Minister, Hanna Gronkiewicz – Waltz – the former chairwoman of the National Polish Bank and the former Minister of Finance – Grzegorz Kołodko, and Adam Maciejewski (GPW), Bożena Batycka (Batycki), prof. Witold Orłowski (PWC) and Michał Skowronek (MasterCard Europe) joined the discussion. The participants emphasize that challenges, crucial to the first phase of the transformation – freedom and security are now replaced by innovativeness, competitiveness and necessity of increasing the intellectual property. They are crucial in order to avoid the ‘middle-income trap’. However, the key dilemma is the quality of the government and maximizing of utility of resources, which are located in Polish economy and society.
The debate was held under the patronage of the President of Poland – Bronisław Komorowski.