For the third time this year, Centre for International Relations was a partner of the European Forum for New Ideas. CIR prepared a plenary session “From low wages to innovation: how can the new Member States catch up with 'old’ Europe?” and a panel “Many speeds, one direction: a realistic proposal to save European unity?”. The speakers during the discussions were Steeve Keen, Eshter Nova, Dominykas Sumskis, Paweł Świeboda, Danuta Hübner, Jacek Krawczyk and Marek Prawda.
Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska was also a member of the panel “Human Rights violations in contemporary armed conflicts” together with Nadija Sawczenko, Michał Broniatowski, Lyudmyla Kozlovska, Maria Shemlowa, Marcin Święcicki and Krzysztot Szerkusem and moderated a debate about the EU-US relations after the American elections, where panellists were Thomas Garrett and Elmar Brok.
The European Forum for New Ideas is an international discussion meeting of the business milieus focusing on the future of Europe and its economy in the broad, global context. It has been organised since 2011 by the Polish Confederation Lewiatan in cooperation with BUSINESSEUROPE, the City of Sopot, as well as Polish and foreign companies and institutions.