The European project was to create an area of peace, security and prosperity in the century-conflict-plagued Europe. The recent enlargement connected Eastern and Western Europe, enabling further integration and development of the continent. The key to the success of the Old Continent in the new century is the word „competitiveness”. The starting point for the discussion was the report „Future of European Integration: A Reform to call” by BDI, ECONOMIESUISSE, TÜSİAD and the Lewiatan Confederation.
The report was edited by prof. Günter Verheugen and was developed by four European think tanks: the Centre for Dialogue and Analysis – THINKTANK, The German Council on Foreign Relations DGAP, Boğazici University – TUSIAD Foreign Policy Forum and Avenir Suisse. The panel organized during the European Forum for New Ideas in Sopot on October 1-3, 2014 was attended by dr Małgorzata Bonikowska (President of the Centre for International Relations and the managing partner of the THINKTANK Centre, Poland), Samuel Rutz (deputy director of Avenir Suisse, Switzerland), and Günter Verheugen (Head of The European Experience Company, Germany). The discussion revolved around the EU climate policy, the competitiveness of the European economy and the macro and microeconomic changes that need to be implemented to enable the efficient operation of European companies. The discussion was moderated by Ambassador Janusz Reiter, President of the CIR Foundation.