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Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, CIR’s President at Globsec Forum 2024. Panel: “Beyond the ballot. Defining a New Era of Central European Leadership”. Prague, Sept. 1, 2024.

12 September 2024

GLOBSEC Forum 2024

Panel: Beyond the ballot: Defining a new era of Central European Leadership

Prague, Sept. 1, 2024

With nearly half of the world set to vote by the end of the year, 2024 presents itself as a critical inflection point for the transatlantic community. As the United States and Europe grapple with geopolitical instability globally, the incoming US administration and European Commission must find common ground to counter threats from rising authoritarianism to economic insecurity. However, questions remain about Europe’s ability to lead in a fractured state following significant gains by the Euroskeptic far right in the European Parliament elections, especially as France and Germany stand weakened by the results.

·       Ahead of a US election poised to determine the fate of the US-EU partnership in the near-term future, how can Europe show agency in driving forward a robust agenda with or without the United States?

·       And what role can committed transatlanticists from regions such as Central Europe play to help crystalize a new European sense of leadership?


Petr Kolář, Ambassador (ret.), Consultant, Senior Foreign Policy Advisor

Ivan Korčok, Former Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia

Dr Małgorzata Bonikowska, President, Centre for International Relations

Valbona Zeneli, Non-resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council

Led by: Rob Cameron, Prague Correspondent, BBC

Watch te panel debate: