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“Poland should explore Africa because we have almost no business presence there,” says Dr. Małgorzata Bonikowska, President of CSM, in an interview with Newseria Biznes [27.06.2023]

27 June 2023
In the media

Western European countries have experience in the African market due to their colonial past, while Poland is still learning. Europe, including Poland, has a chance to shine in the African market, given its young population with increasing demand for consumer goods.

Dr. Bonikowska believes that to enhance Poland’s trade exchange with African countries, knowledge, determination, and entry into Africa as part of a group, specifically the largest private company, will be essential. It would be challenging for Polish companies to enter the African market without the support of Polish banks, financial institutions, Polish diplomacy, and employees from the Polish Agency of Investment and Trade, as well as without prior experience.

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