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“The Union cannot be self-centered, as it is largely inclined to do so by its nature,” says Janusz Reiter, a CIR expert and former Polish ambassador to the US and Germany, in a podcast for TOKFM [15.05.2023]

15 May 2023
In the media

During a podcast interview with TOKFM, Janusz Reiter highlights the European Union’s shift in domestic policy away from self-focus and towards global influence. According to Reiter, the EU is now actively engaged in shaping the world and establishing beneficial alliances, particularly with the United States. Reiter believes that enlargement of the EU is currently unattainable and calls for discussions and necessary changes to facilitate it.

Regarding Ukraine, there has been a notable shift in its views and policies towards Germany, evolving from a reserve to a partnership. Germany’s significance has also grown in the United States, where its policies contribute to shaping the future image of the European Union and strengthening the alliance with America.

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