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Ukraine and the recent visit of President Zelensky to Washington also contributed to this, which is perceived by Americans as part of their world. This is an asset that possesses real meaning, said Janusz Reiter, an expert at the CIR, on TVN24 [22.12.2022]

22 December 2022
In the media

This visit took place at an extremely important, difficult, critical moment, when you can see that Russia is using its double advantage. Numerical superiority – material and human. Ukraine must respond to this. And in order to answer, he needs strong support from the West, especially from America. Ukraine received such assurances of support, but this does not mean that all questions about the future of this war have already been answered, commented Janusz Reiter and former ambassador on the recent visit of Zelensky to Washington.

This is not some distant country about which little is known and heard only in the context of corruption scandals. This is today a country that represents, embodies and fights for the values that Americans believe in. In this sense, the Ukrainians managed to gain a clear advantage over their enemies, concluded Reiter.

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