The TRANSFAM project, funded by Norway Grants, is focused on studying transnational migrations and “creating families” by Poles in Norway. CIR and its partners from the Polish-Norwegian consortium (Jagiellonian University, Agder Research, Nova) have started the project in July 2013 and it will last till June 2016. CIR has a leading role in two Work Packages of the project: WP1 (completed), which is focused on an overview of issues related to the post-accession emigration from Poland with a special attention dedicated to Norway. The second Work Package – WP6, which started in February 2015, will analyse settlement choices of newly arriving Polish migrants to Norway.
We recommend the first Working Paper titled “Poland – Past and current migration outflows with the special emphasis on Norway” prepared by prof. Krystyna Iglicka and dr Katarzyna Gmaj.
Download the report here: