Piotr Buras, Ph.D.
He graduated from the University of Warsaw – Faculty of International Relations. He is a publicist, who specializes in German issues. Until June 2006, he worked at the Willy Brandt Centre for German and European Studies at the University of Wrocław. Beforehand, he had been an expert for the Institute for Political Studies at PAN and Institute for German Studies at the University of Birmingham. Currently, he is a scholar of Volkswagen Foundation, within Common European Foreign and Security Policy Studies program. He published anthology – ‘Memory of outcasts. Grass, Benes and middle-European affairs’ (with Piotr M. Majewski), Warsaw 2003; ‘Where does the German road lead? German foreign policy 2001-2004’, Wrocław 2005; ‘Polens Weg. Von der Wende bis zum EU-Beitritt (Poland’s way. The Aftermath of the EU accession’ (with Henning Tewesem), Stuttgart 2005.