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Entity Ambasada Stanów Zjednoczonych
Value 15k-40k USD
Deadline 15III/30 V
Decision 1 V/15 VII
Duration to be confirmed
Entity Senat Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej
Value 50k-200k PLN
Deadline to be decided
Decision to be decided
Duration do 31 XII 2024
Entity Fundacja Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej im. Jerzego Regulskiego
Value 5k-6k EUR
Deadline 30 IV
Decision 15 V
Duration do 30 IX 2024
Entity Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych (go to entity)
Value do 300k PLN
Deadline 18 IV
Decision 20 VI
Duration 6-24 miesięcy
Entity Ambasada Węgier (go to entity)
Value 1k-5k EUR
Deadline 5 III
Decision 17 IV 2024
Duration do 18 XI 2024
Entity Komisja Europejska (go to entity)
Value 50k EUR
Deadline 6 VI
Decision XII 2024
Duration 12-24 miesięcy
Entity Komisja Europejska (go to entity)
Value 60k EUR
Deadline 13 V
Decision XI 2024
Duration 36 miesięcy
Entity Komisja Europejska (go to entity)
Value 50k EUR
Deadline 6 VI
Decision XII 2024
Duration 12-24 miesięcy
Entity Komisja Europejska (go to entity)
Value 50k EUR
Deadline 6 VI
Decision XII 2024
Duration 12-24 miesięcy
Entity Komisja Europejska (go to entity)
Value 15-100 EUR
Deadline 21 V
Decision IX 2024
Duration 36-48 miesięcy
Entity Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych (go to entity)
Value do 300k PLN
Deadline 18 IV
Decision 20 VI
Duration 6-24 miesięcy

Projekty międzynarodowe

Entity Fundacja Wolności Gospodarczej (go to entity)
Value to be assessed
Deadline to be assessed
Decision to be assessed
Duration to be assessed
Entity Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej (go to entity)
Value do 100k PLN
Deadline to be assessed
Decision to be assessed
Duration 12 miesięcy

Granty instytucjonalne [Institutional Support Grants, ISG]

Entity Fundacja Solidarności Międzynarodowej (go to entity)
Value to be assessed
Deadline to be assessed
Decision to be assessed
Duration to be assessed

Granty bezpośrednie [Direct Awards, DA]

Entity Fundacja Solidarności Międzynarodowej (go to entity)
Value to be assessed
Deadline to be assessed
Decision to be assessed
Duration to be assessed

Projekty partnerskie [Partnership Projects, PP]

Entity Fundacja Solidarności Międzynarodowej (go to entity)
Value to be assessed
Deadline to be assessed
Decision to be assessed
Duration to be assessed

Granty konkursowe [Grant Awards, GA]

Entity Fundacja Solidarności Międzynarodowej (go to entity)
Value to be assessed
Deadline to be assessed
Decision to be assessed
Duration to be assessed
Entity Narodowy Instytut Wolności (go to entity)
Value od 10k do 600k PLN
Deadline to be assessed 2 połowa 2024
Decision to be assessed
Duration 36 miesięcy
Entity Narodowy Instytut Wolności (go to entity)
Value od 50k do 1,5mio PLN
Deadline to be assessed 2 połowa 2024
Decision to be assessed
Duration 36 miesięcy
Entity Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Wolności (go to entity)
Value do 1k PLN
Deadline ON-GOING
Decision CO 2 MIESIĄCE
Duration to be assessed
Entity Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Wolności (go to entity)
Value do 40k PLN
Deadline ON-GOING
Decision CO 2 MIESIĄCE
Duration to be assessed
Entity Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Wolności (go to entity)
Value do 100k PLN
Deadline to be assessed
Decision to be assessed
Duration to be assessed
Entity Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Wolności (go to entity)
Value do 60k PLN
Deadline I / IX
Decision 15 III / 15 X
Duration 12 miesięcy
Entity International Visegrad Fund (go to entity)
Value od 10k EUR
Deadline 1 II / 1 VI / 1 X
Decision 1 IV / 1 VIII / 1 XII
Duration 36 miesięcy
Entity International Visegrad Fund (go to entity)
Value od 10k EUR
Deadline 1 II / 1 VI / 1 X
Decision 1 IV / 1 VIII / 1 XII
Duration 18 miesięcy
Entity International Visegrad Fund (go to entity)
Value od 10k EUR
Deadline 1 II / 1 VI / 1 X
Decision 1 IV / 1 VIII / 1 XII
Duration 18 miesięcy
Entity International Visegrad Fund (go to entity)
Value 10k EUR
Deadline 15 III / 15 VII / 15 XI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VIII / 15 X
Duration 6 miesięcy
Entity European Endowment for Democracy (go to entity)
Value 10-150k USD
Deadline ON-GOING
Decision CO 2 MIESIĄCE
Duration to be assessed
Entity North Atlantic Treaty Organization (go to entity)
Deadline 22 I 2025
Decision 31 XII 2025
Duration 11 miesięcy
Entity Atlantic Council of United States (go to entity)
Value do 35k USD
Deadline 1 VI / 1 X
Decision to be confirmed
Duration to be confirmed
Entity United States Agency for International Development (go to entity)
Value 200k-1,5 MIO USD
Deadline 31 XII
Decision 6-12 miesięcy
Duration 3-5 lat

Strengthening Watchdogs’ Strategic Litigation Capabilities

Entity German Marshall Fund of the United States (go to entity)
Value 10-25k USD
Deadline 15 III / 15 VI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VII
Duration 4-12 miesięcy

Supporting Anti-Corruption Watchdogs

Entity German Marshall Fund of the United States (go to entity)
Value 10-25k USD
Deadline 15 III / 15 VI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VII
Duration 4-12 miesięcy

Educational Campaigns on Human Rights and the Rule of Law

Entity German Marshall Fund of the United States (go to entity)
Value 10-25k USD
Deadline 15 III / 15 VI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VII
Duration 4-12 miesięcy

Enhancing Innovative Forms of Public Participation

Entity German Marshall Fund of the United States (go to entity)
Value 10-25k USD
Deadline 15 III / 15 VI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VII
Duration 4-12 miesięcy

Strengthening the Presence of Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Watchdogs in Peripheral and Rural Areas

Entity German Marshall Fund of the United States (go to entity)
Value 10-25k USD
Deadline 15 III / 15 VI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VII
Duration 4-12 miesięcy

Enhancing the Participation of Minorities and Vulnerable Groups in Public Deliberation and Democratic Processes

Entity German Marshall Fund of the United States (go to entity)
Value 10-25k USD
Deadline 15 III / 15 VI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VII
Duration 4-12 miesięcy

Enhancing Women’s Participation in Public Deliberation and Democratic Processes

Entity German Marshall Fund of the United States (go to entity)
Value 10-25k USD
Deadline 15 III / 15 VI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VII
Duration 4-12 miesięcy

Strengthening Democracy Education in Schools and Beyond

Entity German Marshall Fund of the United States (go to entity)
Value 10-25k USD
Deadline 16 III / 15 VI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VII
Duration 4-12 miesięcy

Central Europe—Building Resilience in Civil Society

Entity German Marshall Fund of the United States (go to entity)
Value 10-25k USD
Deadline 15 III / 15 VI
Decision 15 IV / 15 VII
Duration 4-12 miesięcy
Entity Fundacja Forda (go to entity)
Value 3-70k USD
Deadline IV
Decision to be assessed
Duration to be assessed
Entity Fundacja Forda (go to entity)
Value to be assessed
Deadline II
Decision 90 dni
Duration to be assessed
Entity Ambasada Stanów Zjednoczonych (go to entity)
Value 15-40k USD
Deadline 15 III / 30 V
Decision 1 V / 15 VII
Duration 18 miesięcy
Entity National Endowement for Demoracy (go to entity)
Value 50-750k USD
Deadline 11 III / 3 VI
Decision 14 VI / 13 IX
Duration to be assessed