Firstly, dr Bonikowska noted that German wish to move the Patriot Missile Battery and Poland’s opposition to it is briefly discussed. Secondly, Bonikowska extends on the anti-German rhetoric that can be employed in Poland to polarise and divide the electorate further and that PiS strategists know this tool to put to use.
The coming election campaign is to evolve a lot around security. But Bonikowka warns against employing too strong narratives just for the sake of winning an election, narratives that would even damage the Polish in the end.
Consequently, the president of the CIR points out three problems in Poland’s domestic politics currently regarding the election campaign:
- ruling and opposition camps refuse to cooperate on security concerns for Poland;
- the need to constitute a message for the electorate and build a campaign not basing on anti-German or anti-EU sentiments which PiS already does;
- prioritising Poland’s interest as a subject without lessening the significance of the international community EU and NATO.