Centre for International relations, together with partners from six countries from the European Union and Western Balkans – Centre for Democratic Transition from Montenegro (project’s leader), Central European Heritage from Hungary, European Projects Association from Belgium, FALIŠ from Croatia, HMM…from Serbia and Opera Nomadi from Italy – initiated a public debate in memory of 1917 and its reflections on a current situation and countries.
Within the programme “Europe for citizens“, with support of the European Commission, we discussed with citizens essential historical, political and cultural aspects of a previous hundred-year period with desire to talk about future through a dialogue about past.
Our primary goal was to demonstrate that Europe does not consist only of a bureaucratic negotiation process or obligations which countries have in this process. Also, not only amounts of money which we will receive from the EU funds or knowledge about the creation of the European Union make us European, but also a system of democratic and cultural values which has been creating for centuries. These values were a focus of our project.
More information can be found here.
We promoted the project during meetigs with local community, but also during the inauguration of the academic year at the University of Warsaw (2020/2021).